What's your mum really worth?

Around this time of year there are platitudes a plenty about mothers. About the sanctity and purity of their love. About everything they do to make other people’s lives better. About the meals they prepare,wounds they tend to,the clothes they launder,the homes they keep,the cuddles they deliver and the lives they manage.

The lengths many women go to meet the needs of their families are extraordinary. Many lives – young,old and plenty in between – literally depend on the labour of mothers. Their care,their time,their energy,their efforts,make the world go around.

Regularly putting out the rubbish bin can be a far more valuable gift for mums.

Regularly putting out the rubbish bin can be a far more valuable gift for mums.Marco Del Grande

But here’s the thing. As romantic as it might be to consider this devotion as the defining,pinnacle of their life’s work,it isn’t.

Mums don’t do all the things they do because it delivers them optimal personal fulfilment.

Tending to the needs of others is not always,I’m afraid,the sole driving force of all women who have borne children.

Lots of mothers do what they do because no one else will. And,forgive me for being dramatic,but they often end up paying a heavy price because of it.

It was the former sex discrimination commissioner Elizabeth Broderick who said too often"poverty is the reward for women after a lifetime spent caring in Australia".

Older women are the fastest growing group of homeless people in Australia. So,if you paid attention to Mother’s Day this year,my suggestion is that you also take some time to think about what mums do throughout the whole year.

Women don’t need an annual faux pedestal nearly as much as they need equity.

Last week,comedian and author Mandy Nolan took to Facebook to explain what she really wanted from her family on Mother’s Day and it clearly struck a chord,garnering thousands of"shares."

"I want you to see what I do. I am happy to share it with you,too. I want you to wipe the bench. I want you to put your stuff away. I want you to take out the bins. When the bin is full,I want you to change the bag. And if the bin is filthy and covered in weird unidentified rubbish goo,then I want you to wash it out.

"I want you to see this boring,mindless and endless array of things that I do every day and realise that I actually don’t want to do it either. If you do nothing else,please,NOTICE what I do!!!!"

Folks,she’s right. If you really want to spoil your mum,open your eyes and see what she is really worth.

Georgina Dent is a journalist,editor and TV commentator with a keen focus on women's empowerment and gender equality.

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