How much pocket money should you pay your kids?

Money contributor

Hi Nicole. Thanks so much for your article on real-life ways toteach kids about money. We have a five-year-old and eight-year-old and have been doing much of what you suggest. They are now ready for pocket money and we are wondering how much to pay? They are also at an age where they can cope with more complex chores. How do you suggest we link the two things? And what line do we take in terms of what they save versus spend? Lorraine.

I’m sure these questions will interest many parents.

A pay-per-choir approach can produce surprising results.

A pay-per-choir approach can produce surprising results.Shutterstock

Pocket money is a very individual thing. Having said that,pocket money app providerRoosterMoney suggests that most families start paying it between the ages of four and seven.

Different surveys say different things about the amounts but,to keep it simple,I recommend matching bucks to birthdays. This way,they get an extra present each year (more pocket money) and appreciate the concept that pay rises come as they grow older.

This works specifically well between the ages of five and 11. After that,kids’ money requirements,as they enjoy more activities,may increase.

By age 15,they should be encouraged to get a casual or part-time job.

The key is getting across the message that money is earned and not gifted.

Link chores to their pocket money payments. It should also be paid for additional tasks that are not just part of being a family team.

So,there might be a base requirement,say,to make their beds,keep their rooms tidy and unpack the dishwasher. But tasks such as vacuuming,mowing,washing the car and helping with big clean outs,might qualify them for extra pocket money. This gets across the concept that extra effort attracts additional rewards.

You could reinforce this with a pay-per-chore technique – a set amount of money for expected tasks each week if your child is not keen on completing the whole list.

The real secret of this approach is that it encourages entrepreneurship. Before you know it,your kids might be offering all sorts of extra money making assistance.

Set out all the above-base-level chores that need to be done,with a pre-defined earnings amount for each. Then let your children decide which ones they are willing to complete,giving you a great insight into their attitude,work ethic and commitment to earning.

The overall money mantra should be to save 10 per cent of all pocket money for the future. The remainder could be apportioned as your family sees fit – fun now,fun later or generosity (gifts).

Whatever your choice,the secret to your childrens’ future success is to give them a savings mentality. Like the rest of us,they will need strong motivation to resist instant gratification.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon delivers ‘Smart Money Smart’ presentations in high schools and is the author ofHow to Get Mortgage-Free Like Me. Follow Nicole onFacebook,Twitter orInstagram.

Nicole Pedersen-McKinnon is a financial educator,commentator and author.

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