Terminally ill man wasted precious time chasing payout

Mark McKenzie,57,has perhaps only weeks to live. He has pancreatic cancer and the last thing he wanted was to be on the phone almost daily to push his super fund for the early release of his super balance and the life insurance held through his fund.

Mr McKenzie’s paperwork was in order when it was submitted earlier this year and there was only ever a couple of very minor requests for further information,like submitting scans that he sent the next day.

Mark McKenzie has pancreatic cancer. The last thing he wanted was to be chasing up his super fund.

Mark McKenzie has pancreatic cancer. The last thing he wanted was to be chasing up his super fund.Wolter Peeters

A doctor and a specialist practising in an area related to his illness certified that Mr McKenzie had the limited life expectancy required for his super to be released and his life insurance claim to be paid.

It wasn't until just over two months later that the money was paid by his super fund,Local Government Super.

For those with a terminal illness,it's not just the physical and emotional turmoil they must endure,it often also comes with financial worries.

The Life Insurance Code of Practice,which is mandatory for all members of the Financial Services Council,and includes those who provide life insurance to the members of super funds,allows insurers up to six months to pay claims.

Local Government Super does not comment on individual members,but a spokesperson for the fund says almost 87 per cent of death and terminal illness claims decisions are made within two weeks.

The spokesperson says these claims are treated as the highest priority by the fund.

Mr McKenzie says he dealt with different people at Local Government Super to whom he would have to explain the history of his claim.

"The fund never gave me a contact person to speak to,nor was I informed of how my claim was progressing,"he says.

A former waste and recycling strategist,Mr McKenzie lives with his partner and their 12-year-old son and 17-year-old daughter in Sydney.

Without the money,we wouldn't have been able to maintain the repayments on our mortgage.

"I have expenses like a mortgage and wanted to take the kids on little side trips to have some nice times together,"he says."Without the money,we wouldn't have been able to maintain the repayments on our mortgage."

And the time Mr McKenzie spent on the phone to his fund was precious time that should have been spent with his family and on his hobbies like writing and painting.

He put in a claim with his other super fund,Sunsuper,and the time it took between making the application and the money going into his bank account was just over three weeks.

"They contacted my financial adviser twice,but I didn't have to spend any time chasing up the claims,"he says.

Super funds should be prioritising the early payment of benefits to those with a terminal illness.

Super funds should be prioritising the early payment of benefits to those with a terminal illness.Paul White

Nick Kirwan,senior policy officer at the Financial Services Council,says 92 per cent of claims are paid within the code's six-month timeframe,most of them much sooner. This includes claims for total and permanent disability,trauma and death as well as terminal illness. The council does not have data showing how long its life insurance members take to pay terminal illness claims.

The code also requires life insurers to prioritise customers experiencing financial hardship,to ensure customers get help when they need it most,Kirwan says.

John Berrill of Berrill&Watson,a lawyer who specialises in financial services,says the time limit of six months to approve and pay terminal illness claims is too long.

"It can be a big chunk of the time the claimant has left in which to use the money,"he says.

"The Life Insurance Code is under review and so now is a good opportunity to carve out terminal illness claims and make the time limit much shorter,"Berrill says.

John Collett writes about personal finance for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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