Employers could dock staff pay to claw back incorrect JobKeeper payments

Any employee who wrongly received money through the JobKeeper scheme could have their future pay docked,with Treasury warning that employers who made incorrect claims are entitled to claw back the funds from their staff.

The Australian Taxation Office signalled it would force businesses that wrongly claimed the payment to repay the money. It also plans to closely scrutinise claims from individuals for working from home expenses,which are expected to soar this financial year.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is in charge of the JobKeeper program.

Treasurer Josh Frydenberg is in charge of the JobKeeper program.Alex Ellinghausen

A spokesperson for the Tax Office said incorrect JobKeeper payments would be flagged and followed up by the ATO compliance team.

"If a payment is made and we later determine that the entity was not entitled to that payment,or was entitled to a lesser amount,the entity will be required to repay the overpaid amount,"the spokesperson said.

If a business is found to have incorrectly claimed the payment and is forced to repay,a Treasury spokesperson said employers could recover overpayments from employees.

"If an employer overpays an employee,then the employer may ask the employee to pay back the overpayment,"the spokesperson said."An employer might also seek to recover an overpayment by making deductions from an employee's future pay."This can be permitted under the Fair Work Act.

The ATO is ensuring JobKeeper compliance.

The ATO is ensuring JobKeeper compliance.Louie Douvis

To claim the $1500 a fortnight JobKeeper payment for employees,businesses must fill out a form declaring their turnover had fallen by 30 per cent if their turnover was less than $1 billion. Businesses with turnover of more than $1 billion had to confirm their turnover had halved to be eligible for the payment.

The government then administers the payment to employees via the company's payroll system. To date 3.5 million Australians are receiving JobKeeper,at a cost of $70 billion to taxpayers. Of the 910,000 businesses that have applied for the scheme,759,000 were approved to receive payments.

The Treasury spokesperson said an overpayment could occur"if an employer mistakenly understands that they and their employee are eligible for the JobKeeper scheme and pays the employee $1500 (before tax) for a fortnight,then later discovers that they are not eligible".

The Fair Work Ombudsman encourages employers and employees to reach an agreement about the overpayment. If there is no agreement,the employer can pursue legal action or seek to dock future pay.

Accountant Brett Kelly,chief executive of Kelly&Partners,said he expected"an enormous amount of focus"on whether JobKeeper has been accessed directly.

"Businesses should be very careful to be compliant,"Mr Kelly said.

An ATO spokesperson said the Tax Office would"seek to be reasonable in our approach[to JobKeeper overpayments] according to the circumstances".

The ATO expects many taxpayers to file their tax returns early as those who have lost income seek to claim their refunds. The ATO will scrutinise work-related expenses and rental deductions,but said it would be sympathetic if it believed"a good-faith effort"had been made.

Millions of people who have been working from home can also claim home-office expenses such as desks,chairs,computer monitors and keyboards and the electricity and other utilities used during working hours.

The Tax Office has introduced a short-cut method this year that allows workers to claim 80¢ an hour if they don’t make any separate claims for working from home.

Mr Kelly said he expected a lot of people to rush to do their returns on July 1 so they could bank the cash from a tax return.

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Caitlin Fitzsimmons is the environment reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald. She has previously worked for BRW and The Australian Financial Review.

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