What can (and can't) you claim on tax if you're working from home?

Deluxe stationery? The cost of Zoom calls? Depreciation on your dining-table "desk"? What deductions can you claim for working from home during the pandemic?


Employees who have worked from home during the COVID-19 pandemic are entitled to claim a deduction this tax time for the extra expenses they have incurred.

They must choose from three potential methods to calculate the value of their claim.

The first – and by far the simplest – is a new “shortcut method” which applies for the period between March 1 and June 30. All you need is a timesheet,or other proof of your working hours,to claim a flat deduction of 80 cents for every hour worked from home. For an employee who worked 40 hours from home each week during the period,it amounts to a deduction of just over $500.

The ATO's video highlighting important changes to work-related expenses and deductions this tax time.

However,workers who have incurred particularly high costs in working from home may be better off calculating their claim via one of two older methods.

The “52 cents” method is where you claim 52 cents for every hour worked at home to cover the costs of electricity,gas and home office furniture,and then add in separately the costs you have incurred for phone calls,internet,stationery and the decline in value of equipment such as laptops and phones. Purchases under $300 can be claimed in full in the first year,while purchases over $300 must be spread over multiple years.

The"actual expenses"method is the most intricate,requiring you to individually calculate the work-related portion of all costs you have incurred working from home.

So,which is the best approach for you to take? To get to the bottom of what you can and cannot claim – from toilet paper to Mont Blanc pens – economics writer Jess Irvine sat down with the Australian Tax Offices’s assistant commissioner,Karen Foat.

Can you claim the value of a home desk you bought pre-COVID-19?

“So,if you’re using,let’s say,the actual expenses method and you’re wanting to claim deductions for an asset that costs more than $300,then it depends on the effective life of the asset. So something like laptops have an effective life of two years,so they're normally written off over two years. Desks are quite a bit longer,so you may be able to claim a portion of a desk that you’d bought more than a couple of years ago. But you would need the receipt and,whether or not you’re using it for work purposes,it declines in value from the moment you purchase it. So you’ll have to work out how much it’s declined in value from when you bought it through to now and then this year how much has it declined in value and how much have you used it for work purposes."

What if you bought home office furniture secondhand?

“That’s a very good question. You still need to be able to show enough to show a) that you spent the money b) what you spent it on. So,if you’ve got those combination of things between your Gumtree and your bank statement you’re probably starting to get close to having enough information."

Can you just claim everything from Officeworks? For example,a labelmaker you use for home organisation?

“So,I’d come back to our three golden rules of deductions. You need to have spent the money and not been reimbursed for it,the item needs to be directly for work-related purposes and you can’t claim any private use of an item and,finally,you need a record to prove it and that record needs to show that you spent the money and what the item was – not just that you paid a certain supplier a certain amount ... If you bought something and it’s actually really for private purposes and then you just decide,oh I’m just going to print one label to make it work-related,that’s not gonna fly.”

What if you buy deluxe stationery,like kikki.K?

“We try to be quite pragmatic ... in an audit situation we will actually go back to those golden rules. So,if you’re using these things 100 per cent for work purposes – and that’s the only reason that you’ve got them – you’ve spent the money,and you’ve got a record to prove it,then you’re going to be able to claim your stationery. But if you’ve bought a fancy planner from a place like the one you’ve described and you’re using it partly for work but you’re also using it a fair bit for private – or even just a little bit for private – then you need to take into account that private use.

Can you claim a $700 pen from Mont Blanc?

"I think you’d have a fairly hard time. Something of that value would be a depreciable asset anyway,being that much. But I think you’d find it hard to justify that you need a $700 pen to do your work. It’s really not actually that substantially different from a $2 pen. I’m sure it’s much nicer and writes smoother. Look,we try to be fair and reasonable with people but at the same time,we’re trying to be quite generous with people in having an easy way to calculate from that 80 cents per hour method. But if people have genuine bigger expenses and they want to use one of the other methods,that’s fine. But we also can’t let people kind of take us for a ride. So,you know,a little bit of overclaiming by a lot of people adds up to billions of dollars every year. We want people to claim what they’re entitled to,but we also can’t turn a blind eye to overclaiming. So people need to have a reasonable position about what they’re going to claim."

Don't even think about it

Do you need a dedicated work area to make a working from home claim?

“I’ll just clarify:for the short-cut method,you don’t need a dedicated work area. For the fixed-rate method – so 52 cents per hour plus some other things – you do need a dedicated work area. For the actual costs method,if you’re not claiming for household running costs such as cleaning,heating,cooling,electricity then you don’t need a dedicated work area. But if you’re going to try to claim for those sorts of things,then you do need a dedicated work area.”

Do you need a separate study,or does a corner of an open-plan living area qualify as a dedicated work area?

“Yeah,you can make the case that that is a dedicated working areas. Lots of houses are sold with something like a study nook ... But if you’re doing the actual expenses method rather than the fixed rate,then you’ll also be looking at your floor area that that study nook takes up and so you’re probably looking at quite a small area if that’s what you’re talking about and that will reduce your claim."

What about a dining room table?

“You can’t kind of say,like,the left-hand side of my dining table is my dedicated work area ... if you’re using part of your dining table,you don’t actually really have a dedicated work area.”


Is it ever OK to claim snacks?

“No. And look that’s a big myth. A lot of people think that,oh,but my workplace used to provide me with tea and coffee and biscuits,if they’re lucky,and we even had some questions earlier in the year about toilet paper,which was quite topical at the time. Because,of course,your employer – well,I hope your employer – provides you such things when you’re working in the office. But just because you’ve got to buy those things when you’re at home,does not mean that you can claim them."

Can you claim expenses like your mortgage,rent and council rates?

“Those things are really limited to where your home is a formal place of business. So it’s more likely to apply to a small business person who is actually running their business from home,and they might have business signage and a place where clients visit and those types of things. Most employees are not going to meet those requirements. And what’s important also is that if they do,then there will be capital gains tax consequences at the other end because then they’ve claimed for business use of their asset and so they won’t be able to get the full main residence exemption when they sell their home.”

What if you’re a couple working from home together? Do you need to split bills?

"So,under the actual expenses[method],you can only claim your actual expenses. So you have to do some calculations to work out what those actual expenses are,and where you’ve got multiple people working from the household,that can get quite tricky to work out and that’s why we’ve developed the short cut method so that it's really easy for people to work out what they can claim. But people are entitled to do those calculations. But they need to work out what is their own personal part of those expenses."


What about the cost of Zoom calls?

“Internet usage can be quite difficult for people to calculate. So,some people might be able to do that. But you really need to look at how much data has been used and then work out for what different purposes in the household has it been used and then,therefore,which bit of the data relates to your work. So it can get quite complicated. But that is what you need to do if you’re wanting to claim under one of those existing methods."

What about if you’re not actually the person paying the bills?

“If you’re living at home with mum and dad,and you’re not paying any of the bills and your work has given you a phone,a laptop,a data plan,all your stationery and you’re not actually having any extra costs at all as a result of working from home,then you can’t claim anything.”

Can you claim the cost of a uniform even if you’re not using it due to COVID-19?

“So,if you had to buy a uniform and then it turns out that you didn’t get to use it much – or at all – but it was something that your employer required you to purchase,and you’ve got your receipt and everything like that,then you can still claim the cost of the uniform itself. But ... people also,of course,claim for the cost of laundry of said uniforms and lots of people claim the same amounts year after year. And if what you’re claiming for is the same as it is every year and you’ve got a working from home claim,we may ask some questions like:were you really wearing your uniform while you were working from home? And were you required to? It’s pretty unlikely. So,look,people’s circumstances have changed this year. For some people,they’ve still been working on the front line and wearing uniforms and their claim might well be the same. But then I wouldn’t expect to see a large working-from-home claim from those people either.

Can you claim travel from your home office to your actual office?

“A lot of people think that just because they’ve been working from home as a result of COVID- 19,and then they go into the office occasionally,lots of people think they can claim that trip. But your home is still a private residence and you cannot claim your trip from home to your regular workplace."

Are there penalties for bogus claims?

“There can be penalties that apply. So,when we do an audit,if we find that you’ve deliberately done the wrong thing,not only do you have to repay the amount of tax,there will usually be interest on that and there can be a range of penalties and it can even lead to prosecution if people are then asked for documents and they provide false documents. So it is quite a serious matter."

Any final advice?

“We absolutely expect that there will be a large increase in people claiming working-from-home expenses and that’s part of why we developed the"80 cents per hour"shortcut method,because we also know that it’s an area where people do make a lot of mistakes and so if we’ve got a lot of extra people who have those types of expenses this year,we wanted a way that’s really easy for them to get it right and we think it’s quite generous. If you’re working from home full-time from March 1 through to the end of the financial year – let’s just say it’s a 40-hour week,for argument’s sake – that’s a deduction of just over $500. So,I know sometimes people think 80 cents per hour doesn’t sound like a lot but when you add it up across the period of time that we’re talking about,it does actually add up to a fair bit.

“I would also just say to people who have unusual things that they’re wanting to claim:only claim what you’re entitled to. Don’t try and push the boundaries because it can result in a) slowing your return down or b) it can result in a bill later on because we can’t turn a blind eye to these things. The best thing they can do is always come back to those three golden rules:so,they have to have spent the money and not been reimbursed,it needs to be for work-related purposes and you can’t claim for any private use,and you need to have a record to prove it. So,always come back to those three golden rules.”

For more information visit the ATO's webpageWorking from home during COVID-19.

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Jessica Irvine is a senior economics writer with The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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