$13b rescue plan for Murray-Darling Basin doesn't pass the pub test

The health of the Murray-Darling Basin continues to decline yet billions of dollars of taxpayers’ money have been spent trying to save it. Remember,if the river system doesn’t survive,the agricultural industry relying on its water will not,either.

A Murrumbidgee rice farmer inspects his crop.

A Murrumbidgee rice farmer inspects his crop.Nic Walker

Management of the Murray-Darling has exploded into the news again after anotherFour Corners expose on Monday night. It identified large,privately built dams,springing up like mushrooms across the Murrumbidgee River floodplain,as contributing to the problem rather than helping.

Ironically,these have been partly subsidised by government in the name of water-efficiency projects,and purportedly supposedly to save water from evaporation.

To put into context the investment so far to help"save"the Murray-Darling system,there are three broad buckets of government money:$3.1 billion to “buy back” water from willing irrigators,$5.6 billion for a water-efficiency program,the source of the current subsidies,and $2 billion to make rivers run more efficiently. In total with other investments,the basin plan is costing taxpayers more than $13 billion.

Governments have made no apology for their strong agenda to invest in river and farming projects that claim efficiency savings rather than buy back the 1500 gigalitres of water the rivers need from willing sellers.

Pressured by the irrigation lobby,they stopped the buyback program and launched big projects to fix our so-called “inefficient rivers”. But this comes at significant cost to taxpayers who will now pay up to twice the money for the same amount of water. It’s a classic smoke and mirrors trick.

At best,some government-driven projects will move water from one river environment to another – robbing Peter to pay Paul – and then count it towards the environmental water target. Take the plan for Menindee Lakes:it aims to save water lost to evaporation and the wetland by,among other things,drying up Lake Cawndilla’s ecosystem in the middle of Kinchega National Park,which is essential for the river’s biodiversity,including native golden perch.

Even worse,asFour Corners pointed out,taxpayers are subsidising the taking of more water from the river for big dams being built across the Murray-Darling Basin. As they fill,it stops that water flowing naturally down the river.

Claims yesterday that irrigators are now drawing from a"smaller bucket"of water simply miss the point. Overall,there is less water in the system,which is in serious decline.

Historically,river management was all about stopping water being"wasted"in wetlands or out at sea. Water that sustained floodplains was"surplus",delivered by creeks called"effluents".

It's a contest for water in the Murray-Darling Basin.

It's a contest for water in the Murray-Darling Basin.Nick Moir

But rivers don’t simply leak. Their “loss” of water goes to groundwater and wetlands,our natural filtration systems that are critical to the environment. And so it is that graziers in the Macquarie Marshes earn a living from the floods and the benefits that flow from a healthy environment.

Sadly,it seems the old mentality prevails. Part of the basin plan promotes trading water for the highest economic value. Bizarrely,taxpayers can be forking out cash from one pocket to establish a healthy river,while the other hand doles out money that builds dams that may take the same water out of that river,all under the guise of government-funded"efficiency"projects.

And there is nothing illegal about it. It’s a river policy that doesn’t pass the pub test.

Professor Richard Kingsford is director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science at the University of NSW.

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