ABC versus the government is a song that remains the same

Special correspondent,The Age

This year,Four Corners,the longest-running,most lauded and consequential program in Australian television history,turns 60. But will the ABC pluck up enough courage to throw a party?

No doubt the Prime Minister,should he be invited,will send his apologies.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.

Prime Minister Scott Morrison.Alex Ellinghausen

Tensions between the ABC and the government have once again boiled over,despite Scott Morrison coming to high office with the best intentions to steer well clear of the ABC controversies his predecessors delighted in stoking.

And so to the latest:theFour Corners investigation into Morrison’s friend and QAnon conspiracy theorist was“pulled” by ABC managing director David Anderson from Monday’s broadcast slot and sent back to the program with a “please try harder”.

Cue much clutching of pearls on social media and among commentators about a dangerously craven new era of ABC management buckling to government complaints. Not true.

In 1995 ABC managing director Brian Johns spiked a news story about thegovernment bugging the Chinese embassy,while in 2001 managing director Jonathan Shier“pulled” a Four Corners investigation into the Liberal government. Both reports aired soon after.

Christian Porter discontinues defamation action against the ABC and investigative journalist Louise Milligan.

Interestingly,the level of outrage then was much greater. Perhaps ABC staff have more respect for Anderson,or are more wary ofFour Corners after its contentious“Inside the Canberra Bubble” expose and subsequent reports,which prompted federal Liberal ministerChristan Porter to sue for defamation,a case now settled.

The truth is,the job of editors (in the case of Anderson,editor-in-chief) is to edit. Which can involve requesting more journalistic effort on a story ahead of broadcast,particularly ifFour Corners has tried 20 times to get a government response to its list of questions and still didn’t have a comment from the Prime Minister.

The program finally got its wish when the QAnon controversy blew up and Morrison on Friday said he found it “deeply offensive that there would be any suggestion that I would have any involvement or support for such a dangerous organisation. I clearly do not.”

The Prime Minister said it was “disappointing” that Four Corners would “seek to cast this aspersion” about himself and members of his family. “Really poor form.”

ABC managing director David Anderson.

ABC managing director David Anderson.Dominic Lorrimer

Truth be told,this is at the milder end of prime ministerial anger. Morrison doesn’t hold a candle to John Howard’s furious shirtfronting of ABC political editor Jim Middleton in a Jakarta hotel in 2003 after an ABC newsreader wrongly suggested Jakarta would regard any war on Iraq as an attack on Islam. Howard even called ABC managing director Russell Balding to demand a correction. And he got it.

Then there wasMalcolm Turnbull’s fury at Emma Alberici’s creative taxation system analysis,Tony Abbott’s boycott ofQ&A and Bob Hawke slamming the ABC for its “loaded,biased and disgraceful” coverage of the Gulf War in 1991.

Clearly,we haven’t seen theFour Corners episode. But the story of the Prime Minister’s wife’s best friend’s husband and his dangerous conspiracy theories has been covered byThe Guardian andCrikey.

In journalistic parlance,the episode is said to be “not a ball-tearer” but contains some new information on the matter.

It has been said that we can’t know too much about our elected representatives. So it is time we added Jenny Morrison’s best friend Lynelle Stewart’s husband Tim Stewart to the list of notable prime ministerial mates includingBruce McWilliam (Turnbull),Warren Anderson (Keating),Peter Abeles (Hawke),and Stan Howard,who caused grief for his brother John when the firm he chaired,National Textiles,went into administration and workers were sacked.

But whether it is worth 45 minutes onFour Corners as opposed to 12 minutes on7.30 is debatable.

Today,Anderson faces more questions over the Porter defamation and this incident in Senate Estimates,which our elected representatives are hellbent on turning into a circus of gotcha moments that resembles an episode ofHard Quiz. (See Senator Eric Abetz demanding Anderson name Tasmania’s main 7pm newsreader.)

Hopefully senators will focus on the real story:the court tussle over the redacted27 pages of the ABC’s 37-page defence in the Porter defamation case. Porter wants them “permanently removed from the court file”,while media organisations including this one are fighting for them to be made public.

We don’t know the contents. But Porter,whom ministers regard as the brightest among them and a potential future prime minister,is much more consequential than Tim Stewart.

Undoubtedly,this febrile time has been clouded by ABC journalists’ overuse ofsocial media platforms including Twitter. Anderson has already introduced tough new guidelines aimed at stopping ABC staff’s Twitter use from bringing the broadcaster into disrepute.

After he survives Estimates,Anderson will no doubt rise to his feet at a function in August and give a speech about how it is impossible to imagine the ABC over the past 60 years withoutFour Corners. In this he will be correct. Indeed,he might even be moved to say,correctly,that it is impossible to imagine Australia over the past 60 years withoutFour Corners.

Stephen Brook is a CBD columnist forThe Sydney Morning Herald andThe Age.

Stephen Brook is a special correspondent for The Age and CBD columnist for The Age and The Sydney Morning Herald. He was previously deputy editor of The Sunday Age. He is a former media editor of The Australian and spent six years in London working for The Guardian.

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