Heartening message delivered by students

I was greatly heartened to see schoolchildren standing up and asking our Federal and State politicians to heed the future of new generations and take action on climate change.

Students protest outside Parliament House.

Students protest outside Parliament House.Karleen Minney

It's sad,however,to see Prime Minister of the Week,Scott Morrison,not only dismissing their concerns but actively telling them to go back to their books and stop caring about it.

I wonder if Mr Morrison would be happy if the children of today took away his retirement fund,his superannuation,and his medical benefits to take care of the planet instead of him?

Paul Wayper,Cook

Moral responsibility

Students who left school on Wednesday to urge action to preserve a habitable climate are to be congratulated. They are showing moral responsibility and leadership,while our decision-makers lead the country towards a climate that spells disaster in every sense. All strength,and thanks,to them;they have the most to lose and must be heard,again and again.

Sue Wareham,Cook

Waiting for the light

At the same time Queensland is facing unprecedented bushfires,Adani announces it is able to proceed with its climate-wrecking coal mine.

At the same time,livelihoods and incomes are being lost because of the bushfires,politicians who are advocates for the Adani mine are going on about regional employment benefits from the mine. When will the light shine through?

Robyn Vincent,McKellar

Noble but tough

The school climate change strike is interesting,but while pursuing 50 or 100 per cent reduction in greenhouse gas emissions is noble and necessary,it may require the end of global aviation and shipping,plus beef farming and mechanised agriculture,seriously damaging living standards and survival,especially that of future generations.

Rod Matthews,Fairfield Vic

Global population

If young Canberra schoolchildren are going to"skip class"and protest in front of Parliament House to put pressure on politicians for action on climate change causing extinction of species,then it is incumbent on their parents and teachers to provide them with the whole story.

Extinction of certain species is caused in part by:

■ Foxes and feral cats preying on birds,small mammals and reptiles.

■Rapid expansion of cities and towns requiring destruction of habitat to allow the building of houses,apartment blocks,hospitals,schools,shopping centres,roads,freeways,etc.

The most important issue for us to consider today is that global population is too high.

Katina Dale,Red Hill

Send your opinions to letters.editor@canberratimes.com.au

Send your opinions to letters.editor@canberratimes.com.auFairfax Media

Hope for'Skippy'

Great to read the ACT government is finally taking its macropods seriously for a change,"the ACT government will move to establish the southern brush-tailed rock wallaby as the territory's newest emblem"('And the winner is ... Rhonda the wallaby new emblem',November 29,p2).

Does this mean there is hope for"Skippy"when it too becomes a critically endangered species in the ACT?

Rock on!

Philip Machin,Wamboin NSW

Climate change

When will our tin-eared Prime Minister and his frontbench realise their predictable patter of words of concern for those facing or fighting catastrophic fires in Queensland,or enduring the costly onslaught of extreme weather elsewhere,would be far more credible and convincing if accompanied by some acknowledgement that the Coalition government accepts and will address climate change,actively and positively?

If the current policy drought on these critical matters continues,many more will have to cope somehow with increasing havoc,damage and spiralling financial costs,as extreme weather events become the norm.

Sue Dyer,Downer

Act of courage

Charles Smith (Letters,November 29) has a point in expressing his frustration as an MP (I assume Julia Banks) expresses her right to resign from the party and continue as an unaffiliated independent representative in the electorate to which she was elected.

Her decision to resign from a political party that lauds broad church tolerance in public but in the close contact internal battles for policy control happily resorts to personal bullying and isolation of those members with an alternate view,I see it as an act of courage that publicly states her convictions.

Compare it to those MPs who refuse to accept having a party consensus policy position and threaten instability unless they are given a conscience vote. The forthcoming election will allow the electorate to decide who deserves to remain our representative.

Ronald Hawke,Watson

The devils we know

As flawed as the major parties can be at times,they at least have gone through processes of attempting to seek a consensus of opinions and policies amongst their membership – both the broader party membership and the narrower parliamentary membership.

We the electorate then decide whether or not to accept those consensus-based policies.

What happens if every member of parliament were independent of parties? No ability as a nation to cast a veto over decisions of the independents. No control as a nation over the parliament as a whole and no clear idea of what we might get from one election to the next. Better the devils we know.

Keith Hill,Isaacs

Photo says it all

The photo of Julia Banks resigning says it all. (p4 Nov 28). The Liberal men scatter in multiple directions away from reality – just like they scatter from the reality of climate change.

The 200 fires burning in politically volatile Queensland will probably destroy their environmentally irresponsible government. Julia Banks referred to better Liberal values – values swept aside by the Murdoch press and the shock jocks. PM Morrison's mantra of helping those who help themselves implies homeless people just haven't put enough effort in.

Liberal voters are intelligent enough to recognise that arrangements like negative gearing are set up so that the wealth of some creates the misery of many. Governments should protect the community from such inhumane outcomes,not engineer them. No wonder many Liberal voters are embarrassed to vote for this government.

Rosemary Walters,Palmerston

Walking away

Julie Banks has resigned from the Liberal Party at least in part because of its treatment of,and lack of support for,women.

Alex Ellingshausen's photo ("Banks bombshell throws PM's plans into turmoil",November 28,p4) shows Banks delivering her speech,and four male colleagues turning their backs and walking away.

And Liberal Party men wonder why she left!

Beth Gibson,Page

Talk about bank robbers

Why have people at all on traffic signs? (Letters,November 29).

Texas – as seen in Robert Redford's current movie Old Man and the Gun – has a big red hand on their"stop walk"signs.

Texas also has all-in flat rate electricity at 11.8 c/kWh,compared with the $2/kWh Origin charges me. Talk about bank robbers.

David Z Hughes,South Melbourne

Bec Cody Plant

Bec Cody reminds me of the bard:"The evil men do lives after them,the good is oft interred with their bones".

In the case of Bill Slim,we just have allegations. The matter has never been tested and noting proved. As for Haig,he should be tested against the standards of his time,noting the technology of war at that time meant weapons of defence were more effective than weapons of attack,which yielded the bloodbath that World War I was. We could take it further.

Queen Victoria was a bad-tempered and bossy woman who treated her children badly and probably had psychiatric problems. Edward VII was more famous for his affairs than anything else. Let us rename the terraces named after them. We could probably celebrate Bec Cody in perpetuity by renaming the sewerage works near Uriarra Crossing the"Bec Cody Memorial Treatment Plant"given her desire to find the dirt and muck to tip on people.

Stan Marks,Hawker

Take a left,then a right

With the focus on Bec Cody,it seems everyone has forgotten that it was Andrew Wall who started whining about lefty street names shortly after the last election. And it wasn't because any of the names had skeletons in their pasts which might make them unfit to remember. He seemed to be claiming that the rancor caused by driving down streets named after lefties was insufficiently offset by streets named after righties.

S W Davey,Torrens

Clear alarm bells

Jon Stanhope and Khalid Ahmed's article'Far from rosy,ACT budget at its weakest in a long time'(November 29,p18) should ring clear alarm bells for the ACT populace.

In particular of concern,the comment that public private partnership contracts,totalling $1.605b,primarily for light rail stage 1,will not impact on the territory's budget until after 2022. If that is the case,what will be the future budgetary impact of similar public private partnerships contracts for the proposed light rail stage 2 if it proceeds? This impact will last well into the next decade.

The ACT government is already presiding over a clearly marked deterioration in service delivery outcomes in the core service areas of health,education,public and low income housing,And this against the background of the massive year-on-year increases in rates,taxes,fees and charges which the Barr government is continuing to implement and which is impacting increasingly on all ACT citizens.

In contrast to those core service delivery areas listed above,light rail is very much a discretionary budgetary expenditure item,particularly when other much cheaper,more efficient and future-proof transport mode options exist. On the basis of these arguments alone the ACT clearly cannot afford light rail stage 2.

It is also politically naive for the Chief Minister to think that a potential future federal Labor government will blindly approve the ACT government's preferred parliamentary triangle route for light rail stage 2. My previous experiences with the various federal parliamentary committees on the National Capital and parliamentary triangle suggest these committees take very seriously their responsibilities to preserve intact the integrity of these areas.

Ron Edgecombe,Evatt

Drone answers

With respect to drone deliveries,Shane Carmody,CEO and director of Aviation Safety,Civil Aviation Safety Authority,says CASA's key role is the safety of air navigation and it is not responsible for the privacy or aviation impacts on general amenity (Letters,November 30). Other authorities are apparently responsible for these aspects.

Would these other authorities identify who they are? My understanding is that Airservices Australia is not involved. What noise standards apply to drones flying over suburbs in Canberra and do these differ from the noise standards generally applicable for community noise?

If so,why?

Murray May,Cook

Petrol prices

A couple of weeks ago we went to the South Coast. Petrol at our local servo was $1.66/litre so we filled up at Fyshwick at $1.58.

When we drove through small-town Mogo on Friday afternoon it was $1.49,and when we came back on the Monday it was $1.35.

Over the same period the price at our local servo has plummeted by around 1 cent to just over $1.65. Do others find the"small market,limited competition"argument underpinning Canberra prices less than convincing,or is it just me?

Christine Fuso,Curtin

32.5c a litre

I had a surreal experience in Sydney this week.

Filled my petrol tank with 95 octane fuel at 32.5 cents per litre!

It was still 13 cents dearer than 91 octane standard fuel,but what the heck. It was a shame that I could only get 30 litres in the tank.

Brian Bell,Isabella Plains

Transport idea

Professor Barbara Norman,chairwoman of the ACT Climate Change Council,identified reducing emissions from transport as the next major challenge in combating climate change ('Transport emissions the next big challenge',November 26,p6). Increasing the use of public transport is a key element of any strategy to reduce transport emissions. In this context the comment from Damien Haas,chairman of the Public Transport Association of Canberra,that he does not know where the government should get the revenue to fund better infrastructure and services necessary to get more people to travel on public transport ('ACT government rejects call for road tolls in Canberra,November 27',p6),is concerning. I have a suggestion – don't extend the light rail to Woden and use the savings of $1.3 to $1.6 billion to identify and fund the most cost-effective strategies to reduce car dependency. These could include increasing the attractiveness of public transport by improving its comfort,frequency and coverage;facilitating a land use distribution that supports its use;parking strategies that discourage car use;bus priority measures and the provision of busways including the investigation of technologies including the trackless tram. The latter could be much cheaper than light rail,provide similar functionality and city development benefits.

Mike Quirk,Garran


It was not altogether surprising to read of"reports from public servants to a major review into the bureaucracy that decision-making is being taken from less senior bureaucrats and concentrated in the top ranks"('Lack of incentives for risk takers:survey',November 28,p6).

Would this have anything to do with the boom in"governance"?

Use of this term has been a godsend to consultants who write ex-post reviews and audits of government failings,as these can always be,and usually are,attributed to a"failure of governance".

Everyone is satisfied,nobody is really at fault,and the authors can submit their invoices. However,few people,myself included,have much grasp of what"governance"precisely entails. In practice,it is generally taken to mean that decisions should have been taken by a person,or better still,several people,at a higher level in the organisation. After all,a more senior manager would not have made the bad decision(s).

The outcome is the trend,correctly noted in this article,of progressively stripping lower level staff of any decision-making responsibility.

H. Simon,Watson

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