Homelessness funds welcome,but more action needed

It is sadly unsurprising that the ACT's homeless are increasingly crossing the border for assistance. As Elaine Lollbeck,manager of Queanbeyan charity St Benedict's,told the Sunday Canberra Times:homelessness doesn't recognise state and territory lines.

Repeatedly,we have been told that life is getting tougher for Canberrans. The most recent ACT Council of Social Service cost of living report revealed almost 35,000 Canberrans were living below the poverty line. A Women's Centre for Health Matters report released last week told us there was nowhere a low-income single mother could afford to rent in the ACT. An Australian National University student group has run out of funding to help people access emergency accommodation.

Homelessness doesn't recognise state and territory lines.

Homelessness doesn't recognise state and territory lines.Bloomberg

Meanwhile,federal and territory government investment in homelessness services has reduced. So too has the number of people officially classed"homeless"- but the most recent Report on Government Services showed the ACT last year turned away more than 1000 people in need of accommodation,and a series of charities have toldThe Canberra Timesthey're already stretched beyond their means.

Housing Minister Yvette Berry promised a significant housing package to be delivered in the 2018-19 budget,but the most significant new initiative was $6.5 million over four years for more frontline services - funds to deal with the problem at its worst.

Deep cuts in 2013 led to a number of homelessness specialist services in the ACT cutting staff or closing their doors. Manager of Beryl Women refuge,Robyn Martin,labelled the funds announced this week"nothing to turn your nose up at,but ... a little disappointing".

The ACT budget also allocated a further $750,000 over four years to innovative"housing choices",and an unfunded line item referred to"innovation to boost affordable housing",though it was unclear exactly what that meant.

An affordable housing strategy is expected later this year - 20 months after ACT Labor was again voted to power and more than six months after the government held a crucial housing summit.

The ACT government should be applauded for allocating funds to Canberra's homelessness services,but prevention is always better than cure. St Benedict's noted the ACT government's own public housing renewal program had resulted in more people entering Queanbeyan in need of support.

Canberrans would more than welcome strong,decisive action aimed at improving access to affordable housing and reducing homelessness - and soon.

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