Making a meal out of protest

Seeing the photographs ("Flashback Friday",,December 21) of farmers with sheep protesting outside Old Parliament House brought back humorous memories of the day.

At the time I was working with the Parks and Gardens Department crew responsible for the Parliamentary Triangle area.

The farmers had three sheep,each with a name spray painted on their fleece:Gough (Whitlam),Jim (Cairns) and Lionel (Murphy).

When the farmers let the sheep run free the gardening crew helped police round them up.

With the police not knowing what to do with the sheep,we gardeners offered to cage them at the Parks depot behind the Albert Hall.

By mid the following week Gough,Jim and Lionel were doing well on a diet of freshly cut grass and daily watered.

But come Friday and with no directive received from either farmers,police or parks personnel the three sheep were ceremonially dispatched and carved up for the gardeners'Sunday roast.

After the dismissal of the Whitlam government in November 1975 we gardeners wondered if we had preempted the future.

Gough,Jim and Lionel are remembered for all sorts of reasons.

John Sandilands,Garran

Time for Abbott to go

I found it very interesting to read that former prime minister Tony Abbott is facing a considerable groundswell against him in his electorate of Warringah,and that this includes many until-now Liberal voters ("Sending a message to you Tony",December 23,p10).

Former prime minister Tony Abbott.

Former prime minister Tony Abbott.Alex Ellinghausen

People who have traditionally voted Liberal are now writing Facebook and Instagram posts that include comments such as"please don't vote for Tony,the man who denies the reality that our world is changing."

This post continues:"if you vote for Tony Abbott and his myopic beliefs,you also follow a misogynist into a dark cave made of coal."

It was written by a Mosman dentist who could hardly be labelled a"leftie".

Warringah voters are no doubt also unimpressed with the man who led the"no"charge in the same-sex marriage ballot,as evidenced by their 75per cent"yes"vote.

A prominent baker in Warringah,who in 37 years has voted Liberal in all but one election,said"I am disgusted with Tony Abbott. He is disruptive,disloyal and disingenuous. He has antiquated and outdated thoughts on climate change."

Tony Abbott holds the Sydney seat of Warringah with an 11.1per cent two-party-preferred margin.

I would be delighted if Mr Abbott were to lose his seat at the next federal election,which on present indications is a distinct possibility.

Douglas Mackenzie,Deakin

Worthy cause

Thank you to the family of Tara Costigan who harnessed community grief over the death of their loved one Tara to establish a community trust,the"Tara Costigan Foundation"to support families affected by family and domestic violence:"Angels live on as Tara Campaign to close",(December 27,p1).

The decision to hand over assets and activity to another community agency,one well established,will surely be understood and supported by every member of our community.

There is likely never a good time to offer constructive criticism of such community trusts and foundations as the Costigan Foundation.

There are apparently thousands across Australia.

The ACT is lucky to have an established community foundation,"Hands Across Canberra".

This organisation is able to provide professional quality trustee management of funds.

This relieves well-meaning but amateur volunteers of all the burdens of money management,bookkeeping and the like.

Given the tax deductible status of such community trusts,it would be best if all placed their assets into Hands Across Canberra so that past and future donors are assured of sound management of funds.

Warwick Davis,Isaacs

Generous act

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When we found at the Bunnings checkout that neither of us had our wallets with us,and asked the assistant to therefore put the two pairs of work gloves and pack of paper masks aside for us till we came back,a kind man in the queue behind us said he would get them for us,at which he produced his card and proceeded to pay for the items on our behalf.

While my husband headed off to see if he had dropped his wallet in the aisle,I just thanked the man for his generosity – I was so surprised I forgot to ask his name so I could send him the money.

I hope someone does the same for him one day,for he not only saved us $25,he saved us a 30km round trip home and back on this very hot day.

So whoever you are and wherever you are,thank you again for your kindness.

Jenny Macdougall,Farrer

ABC signal issue

Does anyone else in the Weston Creek area have this problem with the ABC transmission?

The aerial is directed to the Black Mountain Tower transmitter and during inclement weather the picture regularly drops out with a"No signal"indication displayed.

The ABC's only comment is that it is probably an aerial problem.

If so why aren't the other channels affected?

It is more prevalent on Saturday and Sunday even if the weather is OK.

I suspect that this is because no staff are on hand to make correction adjustments to the transmitter.

B. Middleton,Fisher

Poetic foresight

How clever it was of William Butler Yeats to have foretold the Australian 2018 election in his poem The Great Day. It runs thus:

Hurrah for revolution and more cannon-shot!

A beggar upon horseback lashes a beggar on foot.

Hurrah for revolution and cannon come again!

The beggars have changed places,but the lash goes on.

Yes,we can dump this lot soon but the alternative is more of the same.

J. Innes,Wanniassa

City needs a chief minister who is willing to answer questions

The Chief Minister's reported comment that his longevity in the role"really hinges on being able to get things done"has similarities to his previously reported disdain for The Canberra Times,and confirms that he does not like any scrutiny or questioning of his agenda. This trait is detrimental to moving to good government in the ACT.

The federal government's performance has descended into farce – however I suspect its questioning of stage two of the tram and the City to the Lake may be at the core of the Chief Minister's personal angst towards the current federal government.

What Canberra needs is a chief minister,and more of the MLAs,who are willing and able to answer questions (rather than relying on spokespeople or ACT public servants to try to defend often poor policy or administration) and to stand up for the Canberra community's interest – regardless of where the threat is coming from.

For example,the federal government (don't imagine federal Labor will give the ACT a free pass – the federal Labor conference wouldn't even commit to giving the ACT a vote on euthanasia,presumably for fear of offending its conservative rump),developers and the construction industry making a quick buck and leaving us with sub-standard apartments,and/or the petrol giants charging us 10+cents more per litre than Sydney.

Bruce Paine,Red Hill

ACT pollies fail test

Katie Burgess (,December 27) posed the question"So what did our ACT politicians actually do this year?".

One thing they did not do was provide competent urban management. In particular the government demonstrated an inability to undertake evidence-based land use/transport planning or undertake genuine community consultation.

These failings were most apparent in the inadequate ACT planning strategy refresh and in the profligate light rail project.

The deficiencies were also reflected in the failure to provide a bus system capable of reducing car dependency;supply sufficient greenfields land or social housing;undertake adequate city maintenance;prepare a costed infrastructure plan showing when and where development will occur;or demonstrate how its policies improve sustainability,liveability or affordability.

Why does the government rely on superficial argument rather than detailed assessment to justify its priorities?

Is it the result of arrogance and laziness stemming from being in power since 2001? The lack of an effective opposition?

The limitations of its parliamentarians?

A result of the persuasiveness and its indebtedness to developers and unions?

Or servile advice from an inadequate bureaucracy?

Improved planning outcomes in 2019 require the establishment of a well-resourced planning and development authority with skills and power to recommend and implement evidence-based and community-supported planning strategies.

Unfortunately,this is less likely than the resurrection of Malcolm Turnbull as PM.

Mike Quirk,Garran

Union issues

It is difficult to see how ACT government executives can adopt a"positive and supportive role"and"actively encourage"their staff to join a union,as required by a written policy directive,unless the executives are themselves union members ("Storm over union push",December 24,p1).

Criticised as politicising the public service,this policy is much more.

It is compulsory unionisation of ACT public service executives.

Without supporting the current ACT government in any way,it seems unfair to me for our town council to be browbeaten into supporting unions which run a public campaign against it,no matter how justified that campaign might be ("'Driven by greed':Unions launch advertising campaign against CTP changes",November 9,p12).

G. Wilson,Macgregor

Civic mess

Again I write to vent about the appalling amount of cigarette butts throughout the city precinct.

That has only worsened. I preface my remarks here by saying that I delight in seeing the city alive – but currently at what cost?

Last week I went on my regular walk and again feel obliged to comment on the state of Civic.

Whilst I love Canberra and city living I am saddened at the deteriorating state of the streets/footpaths and periphery.

I rarely see any effort by shop owners to tidy up their area (particularly outside night clubs and bars) nor do I witness any ACT government workers attempting to clean up the mess.

Surely the Barr government and the Opposition for that matter,can see the deterioration of Civic.

Our rates are definitely not contributing to the upkeep of the city and that is shameful.

T. Grant,Canberra

Unis pay price for cash

The University of Wollongong's acceptance of $50million from the Ramsey bequest does not surprise. Australian universities have become corporatised.

Money has trumped the syllabus.

The soul of the university is lost. Money replaces the humanities that civilised the past and created the pillars of our democratic society.

Ramsey will further the rot. The demand that its view be prioritised destroys a core concept that founded the universities.

All views must equally contend to discover the truth that"sets us free".

It was the demonstrations and actions by the people that ensured it.

Actions that will be needed again to ensure that money dose not rule the roost.

R. Wilding,Wollongong,NSW

Trump-ed grinch

Santa has been and gone and now he's having a well-earned rest back home at the North Pole.

For those on the good list there were presents from Santa,those on the naughty list got coal in their Christmas stocking but for those defending America overseas there was a visit from the Orange Grinch.

It has been traditional in recent years for the American President to make a goodwill trip to see the troops overseas at Christmas time although this did not happen last year.

Goodwill is an interesting word that can mean many different things although comments like"'Cause at 7,it's marginal,right?',"don't really reflect it.

There is no truth to the rumour that someone is building a big wall that will keep out all unwanted people and that could include presidents – maybe it's just wishful thinking.

Celebrate the best of the Christmas spirit,generosity,family reunions and care for others in the community.

Dennis Fitzgerald,Box Hill,Vic



As Aussie cricketers Smith and Bancroft reignite the ball-tampering scandal,some are wondering what has happened to modern morality.

As I see it,the answer is simple – some players and their boards,along with many in high places in the banking,insurance and other sectors,believe only in the Eleventh Commandment:"Thou shalt not get caught".

Lindsey Dent,Campbelltown,SA


Tories need lose no sleep over the"encouragement"of union membership. This simply reinstates a right that was always there until taken away by illiberal governments hoping to spite the workers.

Barrie Smillie,Duffy


P. Wilson's letter regarding the so-called"climate[change] evangelists"is so very,very Gold Coast and like that quite peculiar part of the so-called Sunshine State,is also so very,very last century.

Ross Pulbrook,Wyong,NSW


Thank you for your latest article on the appalling state of human rights in China. ("Chinese police close court for trial of lawyer",December 27,p15). Wang Quanzhang is a human rights lawyer who is in trouble for holding the authorities to account.

We should support all campaigners for freedom wherever they may be.

N. Ellis,Belconnen


Murray May (Letters,December 28) seeks immediate action against drones but this won't happen until an aircraft is lost. Meantime,fines for parking at school fetes will be vigorously pursued.

G. Cornwell,Yarralumla


When I was at school (a long,long,time ago) there was a name for what Bancroft and Smith did to Warner in their recent rehabilitation interviews.

It doesn't bear repeating in a family paper. Neither their actions or statements reflect well on them at all.

M. Moore,Bonython


The Morrison government may not have kicked a monarchist own goal with their choice,and manner of appointment,of the new governor-general but they certainly got the ball down the other end of the field.

Peter Edsor,Bungendore,NSW


It is pathetic to observe so-called independent,five-eyes countries — including Australia — having foreign policy determined by,at a whim,cues from a petulant Donald Trump's twitter feed ("Britain's Defence secretary sounds warning on Huawei",December 29,p72). Spying is the second oldest profession,with no closed season.

Albert M. White,Queanbeyan,NSW Send from the message field,not as an attached file. Fax:6280 2282. Mail:Letters to the Editor,The Canberra Times,PO Box 7155,Canberra Mail Centre,ACT 2610.

Keep your letter to 250 or fewer words. References to Canberra Times reports should include date and page number. Letters may be edited. Provide phone number and full home address (suburb only published).

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