'Real problems'with dates and identification:David Eastman's defence

The first port of call upon buying a defective product would be to return it to the seller,David Eastman's defence team says.

However,the prosecution case in Mr Eastman's murder trial alleges the accused instead attempted to sell a Ruger 10/22 rifle to a Queanbeyan sports store owner only days before Colin Winchester's assassination.

Defence barrister,George Georgiou SC,on Tuesday told an ACT Supreme Court there were"real problems"with the timeframe and logic of the scenario presented by the Crown.

Eastman,73,has pleaded not guilty to murdering the Australian Federal Police Assistant Commissioner on January 10,1989.

The prosecution alleged the former treasury official purchased the murder weapon - a Ruger 10/22 – from Queanbeyan gun seller,Louis Klarenbeek,on January 1,1989.

The court has heard the weapon was faulty and did not shoot straight.

The Crown alleges Mr Eastman had then tried to sell the gun to a Queanbeyan sports store shortly before he used it,with a silencer,to shoot the Canberra police chief dead in Deakin.

Mr Eastman,it is alleged,had to act before January 12 when assault charges,which could potentially derail his decade-long bid to return to the public service,were listed to appear in court.

Mr Georgiou questioned the Crown’s claim that Mr Eastman had time to sell the Klarenbeek rifle and purchase another weapon in order to strike before January 12.

"There are real problems with the date,"the silk said.

Mr Georgiou also questioned why Mr Eastman would attempt to sell the Klarenbeek rifle to the Queanbeyan sports store,rather than simply return it to the seller.

The gun seller's wife,Joanna Klarenbeek,who is now deceased,previously gave evidence that the buyer had not brought the gun back.

Mr Georgiou said a consumers first"port of call for a defective product would usually be back to the seller".

The defence barrister also warned jurors of the dangers of the identification evidence presented by Denis Reid and Raymond Webb - which allegedly linked Mr Eastman to the Klarenbeek Ruger - during the trial.

Mr Georgiou said it"does not withstand careful scrutiny on any level".

The trial continues.

Michael Inman is a courts reporter for The Canberra Times

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