Senseless emu attacks distressing and offensive

Viral footage of a man running down emus earlier this week was shocking and offensive and the leaders of this country can not turn a blind eye to such an attack. Arguably just as distressing is the image of a Canberra emu wandering around Tidbinbilla with an arrow sticking out of its back.

Sadly,the emu that continues to wander around Canberra’s outskirts with a weapon protruding from its rump will not be having the arrow removed. Tranquilising the creature would,rangers say,kill it rather than save it.

However,rangers are keeping an eye on the big bird said other than the protruding dart in its side,the emu is “in perfect health”.

There has been an increase in sightings of the emu recently because it had started hanging around roads in the Cotter area.

Social media lit up with responses to the photo showing the injured bird with many calling for greater penalties for those that commit such crimes. A female wombat was also stabbed 13 times in a brutal killing at Tharwa Sandwash earlier this year.But more needs to come from leaders who should strongly condemn such attacks.

Last week theSunday Canberra Times reported on how pet abuse can be a red flag for domestic violence. The study referred to domestic animals and how they’re often used to control women,who are the primary victims of violence in the home.

Its disheartening and frightening to see the trend continue. Abuse of any animal can not be tolerated.

Leaders need to send a strong message that this disgusting behaviour is unacceptable. Harming native wildlife,or any animal for that matter,is not a past time this nation condones.

These people should be condemned for their actions,and face heavy penalties once caught.

Canberrans living in the bush capital should be proud to have incredible creatures like emus living in our vast backyard.

Controlled management of pest animals is one thing. Mindlessly shooting an arrow into or running down emus is a completely different issue and it needs a strong response.

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