The danger hovering below the surface

The cables in the photograph accompanying the report"White elephant fears"(Sunday Canberra Times,January 6,pp1,2) are certainly of concern. While they appear to be a few centimetres below the surface rather than"a few millimetres"and have now been covered with concrete,they are still at a fraction of the depth required by the Australian standard.

Any hazard represented by this shallow depth is added to by some pits similar to the one illustrated filling up with water,as pointed out by Mick Koppie of the Electrical Trades Union ACT.

A pit near the intersection of the Federal Highway and Flemington Road in Canberra,where electrical cables appear to be installed just a few millimetres below ground level.

A pit near the intersection of the Federal Highway and Flemington Road in Canberra,where electrical cables appear to be installed just a few millimetres below ground level.Sunday Canberra Times

The possible electrocution risk is not the only problem facing Canberra's outrageously expensive light rail project. This rather slow means of transport and its unsightly poles and wires represent technology that belongs in the early 20th,if not the late 19th,century.

Douglas Mackenzie,Deakin

Good to see Electrical Trades Union ACT officer Mick Coppie and his members calling out the poor installation of the inground electrical cables associated with Canberra's light rail ("Safety concerns with the depth of the electrical cables", Sunday Canberra Times,January 6).

Two things:Firstly,I hope he's wrong that it will take additional millions from the ACT taxpayers to fix the issues – we've spent enough on Barr's folly. The light rail will never turn a profit. My granddaughter,who's only 9 years old now,will still be paying for this for many years.

Secondly,I can't agree with Coppie's comment that"the government may have egg on its face but this wasn't their making,it was the builder who did this". The government can't contract out its legal obligations to provide a safe environment for members of the public and other users of the light rail. Where were the many government employees from various agencies providing oversight of the construction stage? For example,electrical inspectors,third-party certification officers,superintendents for the works,project managers,construction managers,construction supervisors etc etc.

How did it get to this point without some of these parties,through a quality assurance process,picking up these major non-compliances or was it simply the rush to get things completed due to the light rail construction completion date being blown out by many months?

Further to that,I believe the government knows it will never turn a profit,but is simply interested in maximising taxes from the developers along the Northbourne Avenue corridor.

Safety before profit.

JR Ryan,Phillip

I am wondering why you put last Sunday's article about light rail ("White elephant fears") in the"news"section of the paper. After all,most Canberrans have known this from the day the project was announced.

Brian Smith,Condor

Fuel-price puzzle

Here is a quick New Year's quiz for Canberrans.

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The Chief Minister,Andrew Barr,appears to be unconcerned by Canberra's status as the highest cost mainland capital for petrol (Canberra Times,December 30) because:

(a) It's OK. It fits with our status as the highest cost capital for most things (hospitals,public transport,education,rates);

(b) It's OK. It fits neatly with his plan and that of the Greens to drive us out of our cars;

(c) It doesn't matter. It's not on his agenda.

Michael Roche,Yarralumla

Advice for Hall

To the people of Hall trying to get a cycle path constructed:just include a 30-storey apartment block in the plans and it will go through without a hitch.

Andy Marshall,Nicholls

Danger of drones

First Gatwick and less than a month later,Heathrow. How long will it take our security agencies to ban drones from all but military and civil emergencies use only – like shark patrols,searching for people lost in the bush or musters in the outback?

If a certain type of firearm can be banned in Australia,then why not drones that have a potential to make the Port Arthur massacre look minuscule in comparison?

Guess a fully loaded jumbo jet has to be brought down over a densely populated area and cause horrific casualties before our security"experts"will get off their backsides and do something about it!

R.S. Baczynski,Isaacs

Numbers game

Given that last August a gang of gung-ho federal Liberal politicians and their followers couldn't add up or analyse sets of numbers totalling under 50 in order to get their parliamentary party leadership candidate Peter Dutton over the line in two leadership spills,the lack of priority for funding ABS surveys is understandable ("Funding figures for ABS don't add up",Sunday Canberra Times,January 6).

Sue Dyer,Downer

Fortune tellers

Funny how scientific research,particularly climatology,is treated with scepticism;the pronouncements of the pseudo-science (orthodox) economics are accepted as gospel.

For example,on February 3,2018,The Canberra Times (p30) reported that a survey of"25 of Australia's leading economists"predicted that interest rates would go up by the end of the year to an average of 1.7 per cent by December.

Elsewhere on the same page economists were equally sure the Royal Commission into the Banking and Financial Services sector would"restore trust in the sector".

Then again,perhaps not so odd,The Canberra Times and most other newspapers continue to print a daily astrology column.

Kevin Rattigan,Berremangra NSW Send from the message field,not as an attached file. Fax:6280 2282. Mail:Letters to the Editor,The Canberra Times,PO Box 7155,Canberra Mail Centre,ACT 2610.

Keep your letter to 250 or fewer words. References to Canberra Times reports should include date and page number. Letters may be edited. Provide phone number and full home address (suburb only published).

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