America's faultlines are ours,too. We are polarised nations

To borrow a catchphrase from Scott Morrison,how good is Victoria right now? On Friday,the state recorded its seventh consecutive day of zeroes – no new cases,or lives lost,to the coronavirus. In that same week,as the world stopped for the US elections,the Americans logged 629,390 new cases and 6084 deaths.

America's rolling seven-day total was a day behind ours,released on Thursday,not Friday,but is certain to climb further. The US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention said new cases of COVID-19 were rising in 79 per cent of the country,and the seven-day average increased by 20 per cent compared with the previous week.

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

Comparing a single Australian state against the 50 of the US might seem unfair. But consider Massachusetts,the American state that is most like Victoria in terms of population and politics. Its seven-day total was 8439 new cases and 136 deaths.

I don’t want to jinx my home state’s belated run of good news,or forget the policy blunders of the Andrews and Morrison governments in hotel quarantine and aged care respectively. But the bullet Victorians have taken for the rest of the country – a suffocating lockdown that ran for the equivalent of a regular footy season,and the spring racing carnival – has Australia firmly back in global favour. As a headline writer forThe Washington Post put it on Thursday,“Australia has almost eliminated the coronavirus – by putting faith in science”.

Nevertheless,Coalition supporters inside Victoria and beyond remain astounded that Daniel Andrews isn’t paying a political price for the mistakes that unleashed the second wave. The latestEssential Report released this week recorded a seven-point jump for the Premier’s approval rating to 61 per cent,a figure in the same stratosphere as the Prime Minister’s rating.

This is not to vindicate Andrews,or admonish his critics,but to reinforce a point that the Australian public has made each time it voted at an election this year. The pandemic is pro-incumbent. The rule has held across four jurisdictions,at the federal byelection for Eden-Monaro in July,the Northern Territory general election in August,the ACT last month and Queensland last Saturday.

The fact that Labor was the incumbent each time poses an interesting question about Morrison’s true standing. The Prime Minister couldn’t wrest the ultra-marginal seat of Eden-Monaro from Labor. And his intervention in the Queensland election did not help the Liberal National Party either. But he might have increased the Coalition’s majority if a federal election were held this year. These two thoughts are not at odds. Yes,the pandemic is pro-incumbent,but voters don’t care for the opinions of people from outside their local area.

It is the habit of pundits in Australia to look to the US for political lessons here,but it’s more interesting to first see what our experience might tell us about Donald Trump’s performance this week.

There was a brief moment in late March when the President seemed to be taking the coronavirus seriously. The American public responded in kind. His average disapproval rating fell below 50 per cent for the first time in almost four years,and his approval rating was at a record high of 45.8 per cent. Not great numbers of themselves,but if he’d held that line,he might have replicated the Australian political model by turning crisis into his favour and securing a comfortable re-election.

But Trump did not have the patience for the long game of public health. By April,he was suggesting an injection of bleach might be a miracle cure for COVID-19. By June,as the second wave of the virus took off in the US,the grand old man of American popular culture,Bruce Springsteen,gave the following advice to the President,septuagenarian to septuagenarian:“With all respect,sir,show some consideration for your countrymen and your country. Put on a f---ing mask.”

Trump's idiosyncratic campaign,ignoring the virus,trying to wish away then mocking it after he caught it himself,made a third wave of infections inevitable. By October it was clear that this third wave would be larger than the first two. But Trump took a perverse pride in holding mass campaign rallies in defiance of the medical advice to maintain social distance. Researchers at California’s Stanford University have estimated that more than 30,000 additional cases of coronavirus,and at least 700 additional deaths,can be traced to these super-spreader events. If that research holds up to peer review,the fallout from the Trump rallies would exceed the entire case load and deaths from Victoria’s second wave.

Yet Trump almost won a second term,despite his handling of the coronavirus,and the handicap of a severe economic recession. He motivated the Republican base in record numbers.

The respected Cook Political Report election tracker shows Trump’s popular vote has now crossed 70 million,almost seven million above the number he received in 2016. For the record,Hillary Clinton won the popular vote at the last election with 65,853,625 votes (48 per cent of all votes cast) against Trump’s 62,985,106 (45.9 per cent).

The catch is that Joe Biden added eight million to the Clinton total,to reach 73.9 million. Both numbers will continue to grow as the count is finalised.

Biden’s advantage,in the end,was in that extra million votes he turned out compared to Trump.

Late on Friday,the head-to-head between the two candidates stood at 50.6 per cent for Biden against 47.7 per cent for Trump,with the remainder going to independents.

In short,Trump has thrown away a winnable election.

The US lesson for Australia is in the polarisation. Trump expanded his base,which allowed the Republicans to hold onto the Senate for the time being,and claw back a few seats from the Democrat majority in the House of Representatives. It is the very definition of a gridlocked election result,whatever the final score in the Electoral College that delivers the presidency to Biden.

Trump’s arrival in 2016 was viewed as an aberration,an outsider shock to a complacent political system. Britain’s vote to leave the European Union earlier that year was framed in the same way,as a political revolution which the pundits and the polls did not see coming.

The fear in like-minded democracies such as ours was that nativism was on the rise. What we have seen instead are echoes of the original gridlock.

The faultlines that Trump and Brexit revealed,and which Trump reinforced this week,have been replicated across Australia,Canada and New Zealand,but in a more muted form. It’s the same divide wherever you look:cities versus regions,men vs women,young vs old,migrant vs local born,cosmopolitan vs parochial.

We’ve seen identikit elections in virtually every year since. In 2017,Britain and New Zealand had hung parliaments. In 2019,the Australian and Canadian electorates split between the conservative resource states and the urban centres.

In 2020 so far,only New Zealand’s Jacinda Ardern has been able to break the trap of tribalism and secure a landslide re-election. She may remain the exception to the rule of gridlock.

Morrison doesn’t have the flexibility to call a federal election this year. The window opens later next year,and his term expires in 2022. The danger is the cycle may have turned against incumbency by then.

George Megalogenis is a regular columnist.

Trump Biden 2020

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George Megalogenis is a journalist,political commentator and author.

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