Businesses protected in Darling River water access rules

The NSW government prevented any review from changing water access rules for businesses along the Darling River even if fish populations were being harmed,a confidential document has revealed.

According to a 2012 ministerial briefing document seen by theHerald,a restriction was placed on any review of the rules during the first five years of a new 10-year water-sharing plan so as to provide"certainty"to businesses.

Carcasses after a mass fish kill in the Darling River at Menindee.

Carcasses after a mass fish kill in the Darling River at Menindee.Nick Moir

The document noted changes made after five years would have to factor in"socio-economic impacts"and have"no substantial impact"on long-term extractions under various licence classes.

A spokesperson for the Department of Industry Water denied it had tried to block a review from making wholesale changes to protect fish species.

"The minister can make changes to a water-sharing plan at any time … if in the public interest,"the spokesperson said.

The spokesperson added that a review provided"additional options"for altering the water-sharing plan and could"recommend any changes".

"Water-sharing plans are intended to achieve a balance between the environment and water users,"the spokesperson said.

But the revelations have sparked anger among environmentalists.

"My reading of[the document] is that it essentially takes a strong socio-economic stance in relation to irrigation,"said Professor Richard Kingsford,the director of the Centre for Ecosystem Science at the University of NSW.

"It’s not going to let the environment get in the way of taking water out of the river."

Since December,possibly millions of fish - including bony herring,endangered perch and Murray Cod - have perished along the river near Menindee in the state’s far west.

The immediate cause was algal bloom events that led to the fish being starved of oxygen,but the mass deaths ignited debate over whether too much water has been handed over to irrigators.

The 10-year water-sharing plan for the Barwon Darling set rules on the pumping of water and protections for environmental flows.

TheHerald previously reported theNSW government was warned by its own experts before the plan was rubber-stamped that the use of outdated water access rules would put threatened species of fish at risk.

The government denied it ignored the warning from NSW Fisheries,arguing the final version of the plan allowed for a review of the water access rules if studies demonstrated"adverse outcomes"for fish.

The matter was raised as a"contentious issue"in a departmental briefing document given to then Primary Industries Minister Katrina Hodgkinson in 2012 as she prepared to endorse the water-sharing plan.

The document noted a series of limitations for any review had been proposed in order to provide"business certainty".

Among the limitations were that the water access rules not be changed for the first five years of the plan,the"socio-economic impacts"of changes be considered and"targeted consultation"take place with"key stakeholders".

Any changes were to have"no substantial impact on long-term extractions under A,B,or C class licences"and could not to apply to domestic,stock or local water utility licences.

"The likelihood of continued argument is moderate,"the document noted.

Mr Kingsford was dubious that the restrictions would allow meaningful changes to be made.

"The whole relationship between water and the environment is dictated by what happens to A,B and C class licences,"he said.

A spokesperson for Minister for Primary Industries and Regional Water Niall Blair defended the actions of his predecessor.

"The then minister acted on the unequivocal advice of the experts in her department,"the spokesperson said.

"A full reading of the 2012 brief demonstrated how the department used the best modelling and available science at the time."

The limitations in the briefing document appeared in the legislation in a nearly identical form. The water-sharing plan is currently under review.

Carrie Fellner is an investigative reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

Peter Hannam wrote on environment issues for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age.

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