Charge Anning over striking #Eggboy and drive him from Parliament

Columnist and author

Eggs,other foodstuffs,Queenslanders and unpopular politicians have a colourful pedigree in Australia. On November 29,1917,at the height of the second referendum on conscription for the Great War,prime minister Billy Hughes pulled into Warwick Railway Station in South-East Queensland to address a rowdy crowd. The nuggety “Little Digger” was at the height of his oratory,exhorting the mob to support the idea that Australian men should beforced to go to the Western Front when from out of the crowd a perfectly aimed egg arced through the morning and splattered against his head an instant before another shattered at his feet.

In a press conference,Senator Fraser Anning said the teen who threw an egg at him deserved to be slapped.

The culprits were two Irish-born brothers Bart and Pat Brosnan who were severely beaten up by Hughes supporters for their trouble -I know,weird,right? - adding injury to insult.

To Hughes’ chagrin the Queensland police officer with him,Sergeant Kenny declined to arrest the “two prominent ringleaders” for “a deliberate and violent breach” of Commonwealth law,because “he recognised the laws of Queensland only”. And that,friends,was the start of the Commonwealth police,born to,among other things,protect the person of the prime minister.

Nigh on a hundred years later,on May 30,Prime Minister Julia Gillard had her own federal police officers with her but was still the target of a salami and tomato sandwich,thrown by a lad from Marsden State High School south of Brisbane. Gillard laughed the episode off,noting it was “just a little act of hi jinx”,and sought no punishment for the lad.

Both episodes,of course,pale into insignificance next to the Saturday afternoon's. Queensland Senator Fraser Anning had disgraced himself after the Christchurch massacre by blaming Muslims for what happened – no,really – so a 17-year-old kid now known universally as #Eggboy,decided to act.

As we have all seen,he came up behind Anning at a public appearance in Melbourne with an iPhone in his left hand and a raw egg in his right. He splatters the egg against Anning’s melon,and keeps recording as the Senator lashes out once on instinct and a second time,seemingly,when he realises it’s just a kid who presents no danger. Then four bovver boys fall on the kid and,outrageously,put him in a stranglehold and start abusing him.

One of those bovver boys is convicted criminalNeil Erikson,who most recently disgraced himself by organising the fascist rally at St Kilda Beach in early January – addressed by Anning.

While #Eggboy is being half-strangled one of the thugs tells him,“You’re nothing but a weak,human f--king being.”

(Yes,you cowards,so weak it took four of you to hold him down.)

As the world has gazed our way at the news that it was allegedly an Australian who perpetrated the massacre in Christchurch,the footage ofthis episode on our shores has garnered much attention. In some quarters it has made #Eggboy nothing less than a hero.

“Dear young man with an egg,” journalist and author Jane Caro wrote on Twitter,“you are brave and strong and true. The men who called you nothing are themselves nothing. You have helped me feel a tiny bit better about being Australian. The thug with his arm round your neck is nothing but shameful.”

Supporters hold down an activist after he smashed an egg on the head of Fraser Anning.

Supporters hold down an activist after he smashed an egg on the head of Fraser Anning.AAP

Millions of other Australians reacted with equal acclaim,glad the message got out to the world that,while we have born both an alleged murderer,and an appalling bigot in Senator Anning,the vast majority of us are not like that. Further proof is that about 1.2 million people have signed a petition calling on Anning to be kicked out of the federal Parliament.

While I am not comfortable with egging on all those who would so splatter those they oppose,I take Caro’s point that his intent was not to be violent in the sense of actually hurting Anning. All he wanted to do was humiliate. And I equally note #Eggboy’s sin is nothing compared to the damage done by Anning with his comments.

What interests me is whether Anning’s actions could be used to get him out of Parliament. If Anning is convicted of assault,he would be ineligible to sit in the Senate. Could he be charged with assault?

In England in 2001,the then deputy prime minister John Prescott was egged while passing through a crowd,and,as a former boxer,instinctively threw out a jab,which connected. There was no second jab and so no problem. But Anning did follow up,and so did men closely associated with him and he did nothing to call them off.

My hope is that the Victorian police will charge Anning with assault,and – inter alia – test whether a conviction could be the means whereby he could be removed from the Senate.

Well-known solicitor and criminal barrister Adam Houda believes both Anning strikes constitute clear assaults on the child and that he should be charged.

“I don’t accept that the first punch from Anning was carried out in self-defence. I’ve watched it over a hundred times. The child cracks the egg on his head,the child steps back and starts filming. No more threat exists.

"By this stage Anning has worked out he’d been humiliated by the kid and in retaliation strikes him,not once but twice. There is not a court in the land that would find Anning struck out to defend himself.

"The young boy's actions also constitute a common assault albeit a very minor one. Anning sustained no injury,and being a minor,Egg Boy will escape with a warning. Anning,however,is likely to be convicted. He’s a grown man who should have known better. It is outrageous that he hasn’t yet been charged.”

I live in hope.


Peter FitzSimons is a journalist and columnist with The Sydney Morning Herald.

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