Codeine overdoses dive following over-the-counter ban

Australia's ban on over-the-counter codeine has dramatically reduced the number of overdoses and cut sales of the painkiller in half.

The first peer-reviewed research to investigate the effect of the switch to prescription-only codeine in February 2018 hasvindicated proponents of the controversial decision.

Prescription-only codeine in Australia has halved codeine sales,finds new research led by the University of Sydney.

The monthly rate of codeine overdose calls has more than halved since patients have needed a doctor's prescription to buy any product that contains the opioid,according to the analysis by NSW Poisons Information Centre data,which fields50 per cent of all poisoning calls in Australia.

When it came to low-strength codeine (up to 15 milligrams),the drop was 79 per cent over the first 12 months following the rescheduling,the research team from the University of Sydney and University of NSW found.

Overdose calls linked to a combination of paracetamol and low-dose codeine tablets fell from 20.9 a month during 2017 and 2018 to 5.5 a month after the ban (19.2 per cent versus 8.6 per cent of all calls).

"It's a massive drop in codeine overdoses,especially for the products affected by the ban,"lead author Rose Cairns,from the University of Sydney's school of pharmacy,said.

 Dr Rose Cairns is the lead author of the first peer-reviewed research examining the effects of the codeine rescheduling.

Dr Rose Cairns is the lead author of the first peer-reviewed research examining the effects of the codeine rescheduling.Steven Siewert

The study,published in the journalAddiction, found no significant increase in overdose calls for higher-strength codeine or other pharmaceutical opioids,which were always prescription-only and unaffected by the legislative change.

"There were a lot of fears and concerns that we would see people switching to higher doses of codeine or other drugs. The argument being that,if they had to go to a GP to get a prescription,they would just ask for stronger products. But we found no evidence of that,"Dr Cairns said.

Interestingly,codeine overdose calls started dropping off when the federal government announced the change,despite concerns that customers would rush to stockpile the drugs before the restrictions came into effect in February 2018.

"It's a good news story all round,"Dr Cairns said.

Pharmaceutical opioid-related deaths are rising in Australia,with codeine ranking fourth behind methadone,oxycodone and morphine.

Last week,data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics showedthree Australians died of an opioid-related overdose each day last year;70 per cent of the cases involved pharmaceutical opioids.

Codeine sales also halved,from 131.7 units per 1000 people a year before the government announced the rescheduling to 55.7 units per 1000 people a year.

There was no increase in high-dose codeine sales, concluding the move to prescription-only had successfully slashed Australia's dependence on the opioid and the harms associated with it.

Codeine overdoses have dropped since medications containing the opiate are no longer available over the counter.

Codeine overdoses have dropped since medications containing the opiate are no longer available over the counter.Dion Georgopolous

Sydney GP and addiction specialist Hester Wilson said most people who had previously taken codeine were switching to safer pain relief options such as paracetamol and anti-inflammatory drugs.

But a small group ofpeople dependent on codeine and cut off from their codeine supply had experienced somenasty withdrawal symptoms,or needed alternative pain management strategies and psychological support.

"We don't know what has happened to most of these people,"Dr Wilson said."They may have struggled to access support or battled through withdrawals on their own."

Dr Wilson said there was limited access to effective opioid use disorder treatment and multidisciplinary pain clinics and Medicare-subsidised psychologist referrals do not cover pain,even though some patients use codeine to manage anxiety.

But when these patients were able to access good quality support,a combination of pharmaceutical and non-pharmaceutical treatments could be very effective,she said.

A spokesperson for federal Health Minister Greg Hunt said,"This research reinforces the appropriateness to public health of the up-scheduling codeine,as it has led to a decrease in morbidity in the Australian population."

The findings aligned with a Health Department assessment that found the total number of codeine-containing products supplied in Australia dropped from 34.7 million a year between 2014 and 2017 to 17.1 million in 2018 following the switch.

Kate Aubusson is Health Editor of The Sydney Morning Herald.

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