Delirium:the little known condition costing us billions

Three days after hip replacement surgery,78-year-old Sean Salander was talking to several people in his hospital room when a nurse informed him there was no one else there.

Earlier,Mr Salander said a train had taken him to a battle zone in World War II,where he witnessed soldiers killing people in different and graphic ways.

Sean Salander developed delirium in hospital two days after a hip replacement.

Sean Salander developed delirium in hospital two days after a hip replacement.James Brickwood

"I saw the people,I spoke to them,and then I had this nurse telling me all the time,'who are you talking to Sean,there's nobody there',"the retired landscape gardener said.

“It wasn't just like a dream where you have a dream and wake up,it seemed to go on for so long,the whole experience of all this murder and violence.”

Mr Salander was experiencing delirium. It's a condition that affected more than 132,000 Australians and caused more than 900 deaths in 2016 to 2017. In a paperpublished in BMJ Open on Wednesday,researchers have estimated the condition cost the economy $8.8 billion in that time period.

President of the Australasian Delirium Association,Associate Professor Gideon Caplan said that figure did not take into account the personal cost of the condition.

“There's a huge cost to individuals as well as the cost to the nation of the disease,” he said. “I’m not surprised by the amount,but it’s a huge amount.”

Associate Professor Caplan,who was one of the paper’s co-authors,said delirium was most common in older people,but it’s also “quite common” in children under the age of five. Occurring after surgery,the condition can last anywhere from hours to months.

Geriatrician and University of Melbourne Professor Kwang Lim said it was good to see a paper raise awareness of delirium given it was a common condition in hospital.

“I think 20 per cent of the time we don’t pick it up at all,and it has major long-term consequences because a large number of people don't actually recover completely,” he said.

While the sudden onset of confusion caused by delirium can go away by itself,it can have lasting effects and is a significant risk factor for the onset of dementia and accelerated cognitive decline,the paper said.

Professor Lim said he thought the nearly $9 billion cost was underestimated and a large percentage of the cost of delirium would be from long-term residential care or carer costs.

“The key is to recognise that people are at risk and to put in interventions early,because once you get it,it’s really hard to reverse and the consequences are significant,” Professor Lim said.

The Associate Professor said a national delirium strategy was urgently needed as the rate of delirium and economic cost will increase as our population ages,and there was little research into its causes.

“We think there’s a potential to solve delirium,to work out what's happening in the brain and to work out a cure for it,if we commit to it,” he said.

Mr Salander said he experienced his visions for three days. Three weeks on from that experience,Mr Salander said he’s trying to take it easy as he heals from surgery at his South Coogee home.

“I'm going well,starting to get the wanderlust already - I want to get out and about but everybody's telling me I've got to be patient.”

Rachel Clun is an economics correspondent for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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