Extend national goodwill found in pandemic response to the Voice to Parliament

Lawyer and co-chair of the Cape York Partnership Group.

If the coronavirus pandemic has revealed anything it is that entrenched ideologies cannot produce solutions. In deeply challenging times like these,consideration,mutual respect and even kindness can yield an outpouring of everything that is good,releasing strength,courage and a determination to meet the challenges and obstacles that confront our national wellbeing.

Australians have well demonstrated our national capacity to pull together to avoid the human catastrophe of the coronavirus pandemic. We have shown the world that,against the odds,amazing results can be achieved when we work for the benefit of all,and that we are a better country when we stick together. Our Prime Minister has seized the moment in his determination to find an accord between unions and business. The success of this project will be a splendid example of putting ideology aside in the rebuilding of our economy and creating lasting wealth and meaningful employment for all Australians. If we succeed,as we must,it will be because we have chosen to be Australians first of all,above all else.

Pat Anderson from the Referendum Council with the Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2017.

Pat Anderson from the Referendum Council with the Uluru Statement from the Heart in 2017.Alex Ellinghausen

There is one group of Australians who have since 1788 been locked out of our national prosperity. They are our Indigenous sisters and brothers. Last week was National Reconciliation Week. May 26 was the three-year anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart– a statement issued by Indigenous leaders from across the nation inviting their fellow Australians “to walk with us in a movement of the Australian people for a better future”.

Indigenous Australians have,for two centuries and more,given us the time and space to work out how the Australian nation should value and respect them. They have done so in the face of enduring intransigence. They have done so in the full knowledge that we non-Indigenous Australians have sought to deny their understanding of who they are,their cultures and their history.

True reconciliation must include an awareness that historic injustices have lasting results and underwrite current inequity and unfairness for our Indigenous people. They carry the burden and trauma of it in their communities every day. Decade after decade of ideology,disrespect and a failure to understand and listen has left them out in the cold and denied any proper recognition in our national polity or any real say in their own futures. Constitutional Recognition will be a step forward in our nation’s struggle to confront the past and ensure a more inclusive future.

The COVID-19 crisis has shown the remarkable capacity of Australians to rally together,overcome adversity and look after each other. As the nation puts aside entrenched partisan positions,it’s a good time to extend this national goodwill to the people who have been left out. The Uluru Statement from the Heart makes a respectful request to us all to rally behind these,our fellow Australians,and give them a better go – recognition in our national rule book,our constitution. It’s a request that we enshrine in our constitution the capacity to establish structures through which their voices will be heard by our political leaders,giving them a better say in their future in the country we all share. As the Uluru Statement from the Heart says,“we seek constitutional reforms to empower our people and take a rightful place in our own country”.

Australians and organisations from across our country have already shown their support for the Uluru Statement from the Heart. These include the union movement and much of corporate Australia. Recent research shows that around half of Australians support the voice proposal,with a further third not ruling out their support. And both political parties are committed,in principle,to constitutional recognition. The Morrison government has set up structures to consider how a voice might work,putting this issue back on our national agenda. Momentum is on the side of change. Just as we work together to rebuild the economy,we can,across all sectors of our society,unite to support the call of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

We all know that we are at our best when we are free and in charge of our destinies. Let’s do the right thing. Let’s give Indigenous Australians,our fellow citizens,some light to find their own way. Let’s give them a fair go. I have the privilege of working with Indigenous leaders in the From the Heart initiative,launched last Tuesday. Let’s respond to the Uluru Statement from the Heart by acknowledging the truth,generosity and beauty of it. If we do,the soul of our nation will blossom.

Danny Gilbert is the managing partner,Gilbert + Tobin and the co-chair of the Cape York Partnership Group Ltd.

Danny Gilbert is the managing partner,Gilbert + Tobin and the co-chair of the Cape York Partnership Group.

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