Gold Coast polar explorer breaks record for longest unaided Antarctic trip

Australian explorer Geoff Wilson has cracked the record for the longest unsupported journey across the Antarctic,covering 5306 kilometres of icy terrain with nothing more than his own body,a wind kite and a sled full of food.

Dr Wilson,49,skied into the Russia's Novolazarevskaya Station early on Saturday,Antarctic time,58 days after he set out,beating the previous record by 206 kilometres.

Australian explorer Geoff Wilson kite-skies into history by completing the longest solo and unsupported journey in a polar region.

"I was thrilled to be alive,overjoyed to be done and waves of relief washed over me as I stood almost stunned in a colourful isolated Russian outpost,the wind screaming through it,"Dr Wilson wroteon his blog,The Longest Journey.

During his solo odyssey,Dr Wilson became the first human to scale Dome Argus,the highest point on the Antarctic plateau,without vehicles or help from another person,the technical definition of"unsupported".

The Dome,which stands 4093 metres above sea level,is one of the coldest places on earth,with temperatures that can plummet to almost -100 degrees.

Australian polar explorer Eric Philips singled out Dr Wilson's ascent of the Dome as the most remarkable part of the expedition.

Antarctic explorer Geoff Wilson awaits wind for his final push.

Antarctic explorer Geoff Wilson awaits wind for his final push.Geoff Wilson

"This is a very proud moment for Australian and world adventuring. Dome Argus is the pinnacle of the forbidding east Antarctic plateau,an exceedingly remote,high and difficult place to reach,"he said.

Dr Wilson's haul of world records does not stop there.

Geoff Wilson on the summit of Dome Argus.

Geoff Wilson on the summit of Dome Argus.Geoff Wilson

Setting out last November from Thor's Hammer,he took 23 days to reach the Pole of Inaccessibility,becoming the first Australian to do so unsupported.

The Pole is further away from earth's oceans than any other place on the planet,a stark contrast to Dr Wilson's seaside home on the Gold Coast.

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The explorer propelled himself with a wind kite,which dragged him at speeds of up to 50km/h. On his most successful day,he covered 208 kilometres,while on a windless day he was forced to drag his sled,covering just two kilometres.

His rations consisted of dried food,including a breakfast of"polar granola",or Brookfarm's granola infused with macadamia oil for extra calories.

Each day of the polar expedition was fraught with dangers,including cyclonic winds,yawning crevasses and oxygen deprivation.

On one occasion,Dr Wilson was dragged 30 metres by his runaway kite and on another injured his left foot.

In his tent at the top of Dome Argus,he was terrified to hear the sound of a woman screaming,possibly an auditory hallucination.

This weekend,he only just reached the safety of the Russian base as lethal winds began sweeping down on the northern Antarctic.

"The wind grew in intensity and,at times,I felt out of control,ripping along too fast especially when I had to scout for crevasses,cliffs,and drop-offs at the same time.

"The kite'lofted'or took off vertically,snapping the sled trace attachment to my harness and as soon as I landed from outer space I hit my safety."

Though speed wasn't the aim of the expedition,Dr Wilson powered over the Antarctic plateau at breakneck pace,completing the trip with over five weeks'rations remaining. The Russians,who checked in by radio every day,took to calling him"Fastman".

Dr Wilson has dedicated his expedition to the McGrath foundation,which raises funds to combat breast cancer. He remains in the Russian base,cut off from radio contact by a powerful storm.

Correction: Dr Wilson beat the record by 206 kilometres,not 206 metres.

Janek Drevikovsky is a journalist at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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