Housing plan should be region wide

It’s unlikely that a small-scale housing development in Australia has ever been marred by as much mud-slinging and red tape as the Tralee/ South Jerrabomberra estate that is now only just taking shape,after 16 years in the pipeline.

But while the feud between Village Building Company and the Canberra Airport was settled with a peace agreement in 2013,in the following years the hold-up has been bureaucratic.

More housing options would see aspiring home buyers better off.

More housing options would see aspiring home buyers better off.Rob Homer

With a serious lack of affordable housing options in the ACT and limited options in Queanbeyan,surely after the proper checks and balances,and issues like building near flight paths are resolved,housing developments like this should be given the green light in a timely manner.

It was a shame that in-principle support was received two years ago for the development,only to have it subsequently taken away. South Jerrabomberra could have been home to 4000 people - maybe more - by now.

Housing,like health and education,is a regional issue,and state and territory borders don’t mean much to aspiring homeowners looking for somewhere near work and leisure to call their own.

Almost two decades ago when Village Building Company first planned the community of South Jerrabomberra it was for affordable housing. A drawn-out argument with the airport over possible future aircraft noise was the first problem,but when that was resolved the exercise became much more costly with the excessive red tape put in place by governments seemingly concerned by affordable housing but not appearing to do much to fix the problem.

Vacancy rates in the ACT are chronically low,and house and unit prices continue to climb. In Queanbeyan,prices have also risen in recent years. There is huge demand for new housing.

According to a report by Core Logic, Canberra is the toughest capital in the country for people trying to buy under $400,000,with just 2.4 per cent of houses priced under the threshold.

The number slumped from 9.6 per cent five years ago and means that a lower proportion of Canberra's houses are priced at less than $400,000 compared to Sydney or Melbourne.

If the ACT government can't deliver enough housing that is affordable for its growing population,it should welcome additional developments nearby,where they make sense and are well integrated into the city.

Many people already live outside the territory and commute to and work in the city. It would make sense to have a region-wide housing plan.

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