Monthly fines up by $17 million in NSW as camera revenues boom

Fines collected by the NSW government have skyrocketed by nearly 30 per cent since 2019,totalling a record $81 million and rising higher than pre-COVID levels.

The value of fines was up 28 per cent in December 2020 compared to the same month in 2019 when it totalled $64 million. It follows the introduction of mobile phone detection cameras and the removal of warning signs ahead of mobile speed cameras,which have become two of the biggest fine categories.

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The Revenue NSW data covers fines issued by government bodies including councils,police,public transport,hospitals,universities,ambulances and other organisations.

Fines issued include for driving offences,parking infringements,taking public transport without a ticket and jaywalking.

The figures show the value of fines fell by up to 20 per cent during last year’s lockdowns,before rebounding to far higher than pre-COVID levels.

Signs warning motorists ahead of mobile speed cameras began being removed across NSW from November and the number of fines issued by the cameras has risen this financial year.

Less than 18,900 fines worth $3.9 million were issued as a result of mobile digital speed cameras between July 2019 and February 2020.

Warning signs ahead of mobile speed cameras were removed and fines began being issued from mobile phone detection cameras in NSW last year.

Warning signs ahead of mobile speed cameras were removed and fines began being issued from mobile phone detection cameras in NSW last year.Simone De Peak

At nearly 4.5 times that amount,85,200 fines worth $16.5 million,have been issued between July 2020 and February 2021.

NRMA spokesman Peter Khoury said the removal of warning signs and the increase in revenue makes it “difficult to argue that they’re not revenue-raising tools”.

He said the removal of the signs has meant people are only being warned against speeding weeks later when they receive the fine.

“It’s a road safety opportunity lost,there’s a limit to the ability of the cameras to change behaviour behind the wheel,particularly when there are no warning signs,” Mr Khoury said.

“What’s the use in sending someone a fine three weeks later and having them still driving around doing the wrong thing until then?”

Speeding by up to 10 kilometres per hour carries a $114 fine and one demerit point,between 10 and 20 kilometres per hour carries a $265 fine and three demerit points and there is a $455 fine and four demerits for anyone speeding between 20 and 30 kilometres per hour.

The introduction of mobile phone cameras in March last year also significantly increased the number and total value of fines issued,with more than 160,000 fines worth $56 million issued to individuals between March 2020 and February 2021.

Tara McCarthy,deputy secretary for safety,environment and regulation at Transport for NSW,said cameras are able to check far more vehicles than police officers.

“The increase in the number of people caught since the cameras rolled out compared to before we had cameras in place reflects what we already knew and affirms the reasoning behind why we have introduced this world first program – illegal mobile phone usage is a problem on NSW roads,” Ms McCarthy said.

The number of people caught illegally using their phones behind the wheel fell from one in 82 drivers,a rate of 1.2 per cent,during the program’s trial period in 2019,to one in 454 drivers,or 0.22 per cent,once fines began being issued.

“The program started enforcement in March last year,and since that time we’ve seen an encouraging result with more and more drivers complying with the rules,changing their behaviours and putting the phone down,” Ms McCarthy said.

An additional 7335 fines worth $12.8 million have also been issued to corporations for offences detected by the cameras over the same period.

Offences detected by the mobile phone cameras carry a $344 fine and five demerit points.

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Pallavi Singhal is a data journalist with the Visual Stories Team at The Age,The Sydney Morning Herald,Brisbane Times and WAtoday

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