Mother's Day returns to its humble origins

The woman credited with organising the first modern Mother’s Day in 1908 was eventually so horrified by what it had become that she spent the rest of her life fighting for it to be erased from the calendar.

For Anna Jarvis,the day was meant to be an opportunity to honour the sacrifices women made for their children and society. She championed the commemoration in memory of her own mother,a social activist who had taught women how to better care for their children to reduce the chances of them dying at a time plagued by epidemics.

After creating Mother's Day in 1908,Anna Jarvis spent the rest of days fighting against the commercialisation and exploitation of the day.

But it did not take long for florists,confectioners and card companies to jump onboard. For Jarvis,the increasing commercialisation of the day was eroding its meaning in a way she found deeply upsetting and she fought with everything she had to stop it,even petitioning to have the day abolished altogether.

So it’s fitting in a way that this year,in the face of another pandemic,we are forced to return to the humble origins of the day and mark it with sincerity,but less fanfare. A card or phone call,a cuddle in bed,but none of the grand family reunions of years past.

This will come as a relief to those who have always found Mother’s Day difficult. For many who have lost their mothers or not had their dreams of motherhood realised,the sight each year of restaurants and cafes spilling over with women and their families is an almost insensitive reminder of all they have lost.

Others argue we shouldn’t need a date on the calendar to remind us to honour our mothers – and they are right – but if there was ever a year when mothers needed a collective morale boost,it’s this one.

Women are juggling working from home with childcare.

Women are juggling working from home with childcare.Getty Images

They have been forced to make difficult choices for the sake of their families – whether to keep sending their children to school or daycare,or take them away from their teachers and friends;whether to keep seeing the grandparents or grandchildren,or love them at a distance.

Those with smaller children have had to be more than just mother. They have had to be teacher as well. And they have had to be best friend. When you’re trying to work from home and your child asks you to have an imaginary cup of tea with them,it is so much harder to say no when you know they have no one else to play with.

Households are struggling to juggle work from home with increased childcare responsibilities and fears are growing that women are shouldering a greater share of the burden;that for one reason or another,it has fallen to them to put childcare first and work second. One US academic journal reports that submissions written only bywomen have fallen significantly, suggesting they no longer have as much time as their male colleagues to write articles.

Social distancing measures mean there is now little respite from mothering:no cafes to escape for 30 minutes of headspace;no rhymetime sessions at the library or trips to the playground to divert the children and allow mothers to debrief. Mental health services are experiencing unprecedented demand from across the population butwomen in particular are reporting higher levels of stress than men.

Mothers have always made great sacrifices for their children. From the moment a child is born,they demand as much – every inch,body and soul. One emerges from the first year of mothering broken,and re-formed. The drive to do all and everything to protect a life one has created is frighteningly primal. And it rarely wavers. Mothers,as they lie dying,will use their last breaths to issue wishes and prayers for the children they are leaving behind.

It is a humbling,great love. And it should be honoured with sincerity and reflection,especially this year.

Happy Mother's Day. Enjoy the calls and cuddles.

Since the Herald was first published in 1831,the editorial team has believed it important to express a considered view on the issues of the day for readers,always putting the public interest first.

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