As a retired electrical engineer,Kate Coates of Wangi Wangi thinks it worth noting that “magnificent scientist and engineer Nikola Tesla,along with predecessor Michael Faraday,gave us the foundations of many of the electro-based systems,machines and devices we enjoy today. Whilst I understand why,I am nevertheless disappointed that the name Tesla is presently so maligned,and implore readers to separate in their minds the genius Tesla of the past from the buffoon now associated with the name. Both Tesla and Faraday have been honoured by the International System of Units,a Tesla being a measure of magnetic flux density and a Farad being a measure of capacitance. If there’s ever a measure called an Elon,I,for one,will run screaming from the room.”
Regarding the reproductive vibe readers have been getting from the Tesla badge (C8),Kerry Kyriacou of Strathfield has noticed another troubling imprint:“The Chicago Bulls’[NBA] logo is very disturbing when viewed upside down. Don’t Google it and,if you do,don’t say I didn’t warn you.” In the interests of due diligence,we ignored his advice. Suffice to say there are some things you cannot unsee.
“The story of the washing-up felony[C8] reminds me of a Brisbane man who worked as a house cleaner years ago,” writes David Morrison of Springwood. “He told me that in one house,he saw a huge spider and instinctively disposed of it via the vacuum cleaner hose. The lady of the house roundly scolded him for bringing her ‘pet’ to an untimely end.”
“While playing golf with my son at Prestwick Golf Club in Scotland,our caddie remarked as we walked up the 18th that the cemetery[C8] adjacent contained the remains of the inventor of the crossword,” recalls Peter Gaydon of Turramurra. “To find it,he said,‘you come out of the church and go six down and four across’.”
“The Mediterranean Diet[C8] caters for all tastes,” asserts David M. Calvey of Gosford. “Chris Commens might be interested to learn that the pine resin which flavours retsina is also present in Toilet Duck.” Explains why Chris said he’d “keep sipping cautiously”.
John Perry of Newtown presents the latest example of botanical nominisim (C8):“Lilium Hansonii have bright yellow orange hair flowers. It is a vigorous,erect bulbous perennial with racemes. Although it has the disconcerting common nameJapanese Turk’s Cap Lily.”
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