Opal card the only clue to the identity of man found dead in Sydney street

The man died with an Opal card on his body.

That was it. No mobile. No ID. No documents.

The Dan's Corner bus stop in Campsie where the man's Opal card showed his last trips originated.

The Dan's Corner bus stop in Campsie where the man's Opal card showed his last trips originated.Supplied

He was suspected of being an"unlawful non-citizen"and very likely in excruciating pain from the bone cancer that a post-mortem examination found had spread through his body.

Despite police inquiries,nothing else is known about the man other than clues provided from his last bus trips using his prepaid Opal card.

Handing down the results of the inquest into the death of the"unknown male person"last week,State Coroner Les Mabbutt ruled that the man had taken his own life near Beamish Street,Campsie,on the morning of April 11. His body was found about 6am that day.

Police suspected that the man could have been an"unlawful non-citizen"because the area in Campsie where his body was found was near many boarding and share houses where illegal residents live.

The man's body was found two buildings away from the Dan's Corner bus stop.

The man's body was found two buildings away from the Dan's Corner bus stop.Google

The coroner's report said the man was"of Asian appearance",from 50 to 70 years old,had a medium build and was about 170 centimetres tall. He was wearing a long-sleeved,royal blue checked shirt with cream cargo pants.

Despite police inquiries in the area,nobody knew who he was. Police were also unable to locate any CCTV camera footage. Subsequent inquiries"consistent with the use of the Opal card"failed to uncover any footage of him.

The man took multiple trips between two stops,about 250m apart.

The man took multiple trips between two stops,about 250m apart.Supplied

But the trail left by his Opal card shows that,between April 8 and April 10,he travelled back and forward by bus about 250 metres along Beamish Street,between the stop on Dan's Corner and that opposite Unara Street. The area has many car repair shops,Asian restaurants and grocery stores.

The coroner's report says the man's last Opal trip was made from the Dan's Corner stop - close to where he was found dead - to Beamish Street,opposite Unara Street,Campsie,at 4.42pm on April 10.

The 412 and the 492 buses stop at Beamish Street about that time every afternoon;the 415,444,445 and the 473 also travel along Beamish Street.

The unknown man was suspected of having multiple myeloma,a cancer of the bones. During the autopsy,a forensic pathologist saw that the man had lesions typical of the disease - known to cause excruciating pain - on the man's bones. The dead man was also taking paracetamol.

The coroner said that,if he was an unlawful non-citizen,then accessing healthcare and other community support might have presented difficulties.

"That may be consistent with no identification being located on the deceased and that the deceased has not been reported missing. Alternatively,the deceased may be estranged from his family who reside somewhere in Australia."

The deceased is somebody’s son,possibly somebody’s sibling and perhaps somebody’s father.

State coroner Les Mabbutt

It is estimated that 60,000 foreigners are living illegally in Australia. Earlier this year,SBS reported about 18,750 illegal migrants have lived in Australia for 15 years. A quarter of these came from Malaysia or China,but 5170 are Americans and 3680 are British.

The coroner was unable to rule conclusively that the man had been in Australia unlawfully,and said he could have been born in Australia or overseas and migrated to Australia legally.

It was tragic that the man had not been identified,in part because the police had decided that the only photo - from the coronial scene - should not be released.

"The deceased is somebody’s son,possibly somebody’s sibling and perhaps somebody’s father,"the coroner wrote."Tragically,there is a possibility he has a family in Australia or overseas who do not know what has become of him.

"On all the evidence available I am unable to make a positive finding regarding the identity of the deceased. It can only be hoped that information may come to light in the future that may assist in identifying the deceased and reuniting him with those who knew him."

Anyone needing support can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14,or beyondblue on 1300 224 636.

Julie Power is a senior reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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