Attempting to get collimated

Marcus Daniel,formerly of Bellingen,has a query. “Why was Richard Stewart waiting for a consultation with six other patients (C8)? Surely he’d be better off consulting a doctor.”

In what he claims is good publicity for Column 8,Maurice Collins of Wollongbar observes that “all the X-rays (C8) we get are collimated”.

For her most recent MRI experience (C8),Corinne Johnston of Gymea Bay requested Bach violin music. “Lulled into a relaxed state,I was rudely jolted by an advert in the middle of it all. Questioning the technician later he commented,‘We use YouTube,maybe we should pay for the premium version.’ With what they charge for MRIs,that’s definitely a good idea!”

Aidan Cuddington of Umina Beach asks the one-dollar coin question. “Can Diana Dixon please advise if her coffee server (C8) used a calculator?”

Judi Turnham of Port Macquarie had a similar experience a few years back,when cash was still king. “I took a great-nephew to Maccas and when the order came to $5.50,I handed over a $20 note and a 50 cent piece (C8). I got a similar response,but before I could respond the young fellow turned to his supervisor who showed him how to enter the amount in the till so he didn’t have to do any mental numerical gymnastics. I think he is still confused.”

With a dip into the murky realm of commercial television for the first time in a year being necessary in order to watch the Australian Open tennis,Susan McMahon of Lismore Heights was awed by the fantastic efforts of all players,but admits to being particularly bewildered by one particular aspect of the advertisements that were played. “Not one car company dares to put the wife/mother behind the wheel in a new family car and the husband in the passenger seat.” Unless the husband has had too much to drink of course,then she’s allowed behind the wheel.

“That unmarked pedestrian (C8) better be careful when crossing any road near Wynyard,or they’ll end up becoming a deeply marked one!” advises Andrew Taubman of Queens Park. Maureen Donlon of Wagga Wagga is also worried about those ‘marked’ pedestrians. “Never know who has targeted them,or when they might strike.”

Meanwhile,both Kath Hollins of Northmead and Joy Cooksey of Harrington believe that the sign Edward Loong commented on was supposed to read,“CAUTION Unmasked Pedestrians Crossing.” An apt sign for the times.

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