Climate deniers place faith in something other than science

Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt Golding

I find it ironic that many conservative politicians and commentators express a view that people who accept the science of climate change behave as if it were a religion. Whereas those who deny that human behaviours are exacerbating climate change would support the statement made by Senator Jim Molan ("I’m not relying on evidence"). It would appear that climate change deniers are relying on some unexplained and indefensible faith. I wonder what Galileo would make of this conundrum?-Matthew Brown,Barton,ACT

Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt Golding

Zali Steggall’s proposed private members bill has the potential to bring reason and progress to our stalled climate and energy policy quagmire ("Steggall appeals to'sensible centre'for more climate action",February 11).

The chance to depoliticise this issue,with an independent expert body like the proposed Climate Change Commission responsible for formulating climate policy,could be the breakthrough we need. Steggall’s plan relies on a conscience vote for all MPs (if their “broad church” parties will allow it),and gives our politicians the chance to show the leadership that has so far been so conspicuously lacking. -Alan Marel,North Curl Curl

I am listening to Richard Marles and Anthony Albanese obfuscate. Come on,Labor,parachute in a real visionary for leader,Penny Wong for deputy,zero emissions by 2050,regional solar and wind projects together with new agricultural TAFEs to create jobs in the bush,cancel the submarines,grandfather franking credits and negative gearing. Many who voted for the Coalition last election are now too ashamed to admit it,but give them a real alternative and they won’t make the same grave mistake again. -Howard Charles,Glebe

There has been much talk of a legislated target of zero CO2 emissions by 2050. However,this discussion seems to be missing an important point. What is important is the total amount of CO2 emitted in the future. This can be visualised as the area under the emission rate curve as emission rates are plotted into the future. If emissions drop only very slowly in the near future and then dive just before 2050,then the total CO2 emitted will be much greater than if the emission rate drops in the near future and then levels off at very small levels until 2050. -Geoff Gordon,Cronulla

As Ross Gittins noted last week (A lack of trust in modern politics is making economic reform impossible. February 3),people want something done about climate change but are unwilling to pay for it. Politicians will not get serious about the issue until they know the voters are willing to pay via carbon tax or its equivalent. Doing nothing about climate change costs us. Droughts mean we pay more for meat,vegetables and fruit while small towns die. So we pay if something is done about climate change and we certainly pay if we do nothing. But only one way benefits our country and the planet. -Judith McVittie,Leeton

After reading about Barnaby and his three colleagues calling for greater support for the coal industry (Climate row fuels split as Barnaby Joyce flexes muscle",February 11),I suggest they should be called the Fossil Fools. -Heather Preston,Burwood Heights

Barnaby and his friends in the Queensland Nationals would gain much more credibility if they actually invested their own life savings into a new coal-fired power station. In the old days,this used to be called"putting your money where your mouth is". -Nick Scott,Bathurst

Plain wrong:Flood risks should inform city planning

Chas Keys'article ("Floods remind us the plan for Hawkesbury flood plain is dangerously irresponsible",February 11) should give us pause for thought. We simply cannot fill up the flood plains with more people. Yet if Sydney is to keep growing by 90,000 or so more people every year,where will they go? Presumably up,in high rise. So eventually we have Wuhan-style apartment blocks extending from the coast to the edge of the flood plain. Is this what Sydneysiders want? Or could they instead work towards stabilising population numbers through lower immigration and smaller families? There is a choice. -Jenny Goldie,Cooma

After 200-plus years,Australians have still no idea what “flood plain” means,except perhaps as a nice flat area to build houses near a river. -Steve Bright,North Avoca

I am hoping that the federal and relevant state governments announce soon that whatever water is now entering the Murray-Darling catchment be first allowed to flow as a river for the benefit of the river communities and the fish. -Rick Johnston,Potts Point

Flooding of the Nepean and Hawkesbury valleys has shown that raising the dam wall will not prevent future floods. Warragamba is at about 60 per cent capacity. Opponents of the proposal to raise the wall have always maintained that flooding would come from the other rivers that do not flow into Warragamba. Their argument is now proved to be correct. -Judith Rostron,Killarney Heights

Our Premier praises emergency services workers again as a tropical cyclone heads for NSW ("Sydney mops up as another ‘intense weather’ event looms",February 11). Gladys Berejiklian will be remembered as the Premier who thanked the first responders while pushing policies that ensure those first responders are increasingly essential to daily life.

She should understand that this is the new normal;extreme cyclonic storms now extend further southwards because of global warming. If she wants to be remembered as the Premier who helped protect NSW,then she should act to stop global warming. Stop the exploitation of NSW coal and gas and close the fossil fuel power stations. Put off some of her beloved road and rail construction spending and fund state-owned,grid-scale renewable power. Buy back the power networks and upgrade them to cope. Under such prevention policies,she could become the Premier who doesn’t need to thank emergency workers every few weeks. -Barry Laing,Castle Cove

Policy vacuum led us here

Look who's got a budget emergency and a debt and deficit disaster on their hands now ("Surplus wipeout",February 11). It appears our pop-up government spent so much effort trying to tear down the Labor government policies that they didn't bother to select anyone who could develop worthy ones of their own.Dave Watts,Avalon

Ironic or what? The Coalition government has minimised spending to slow down climate change in order to protect a budgetary surplus. Now fires and floods that have resulted from climatic changes have cost so much that the government's surplus is disappearing. It shows our alleged leaders what happens when you ignore scientists and technical experts. -Peter Krinks,Waverton

At behest of private health

The Morrison government has quietly mooted the idea of privatising the aged care assessment process – a significant and completely unnecessary change they claimed did not need to wait until the final recommendations of the Aged Care Royal Commission. They also shot down legislation aimed at mandating aged care providers having to report on staff-to-resident ratios and daily meal budgets. Why? Because this should wait until after the completion of the same royal commission. How can this government not acknowledge that they are captivated by private health care companies,despite knowing that some of these firms appear to have no interest in providing sufficiently trained staff to look after their vulnerable clientele? I suspect a lot of quiet Australians are increasingly frustrated with policies that throw taxpayers’ money at corporate giants to do really important work badly. -Ruth Clarke,Springwood

Those retirees who voted to keep their franking credits may have done a deal with the devil and the danger is in the details. -Wendy Atkins,Cooks Hill

Unwanted automation

I agree wholeheartedly with Genevieve Milton regarding self checkouts (Letters,February 11). I refuse to use them as I believe they put young and other workers out of a job. And you don’t get to have a chat to a real person. What a furphy to argue that it is a response to demand – it’s all about reducing labour costs. -Kay Huntsman,Annandale

I'm with you,Genevieve,but I am not as altruistic. To me it is pure economics. If the wages of the checkout people is built into the price of my goods,why would I go and do the job myself? -Brian Collins,Cronulla

Does Genevieve Milton also refuse to use ATMs because they take jobs away from bank tellers? -John Lees,Castlecrag

More Weinstein cringes

Well said,Jenna Price ("Weinstein's lawyer gives the saddest defence of sexual assault",February 11). Man assaults somebody on street. Charged,probably convicted. Man rapes woman on street. OK,did she deserve it? Should she have been there? Did she in fact consent? I want to be held responsible for my actions,not have them blamed on somebody else. -Michael McMullan,Five Dock

It's a big question:whether it's safer to whip out the pen rather than the penis. It's a legal dilemma in which,I reckon,some lawyers would revel. I'm sure there's a few out there willing to be in the bedroom to offer frank and fearless advice. -Nick Franklin,Katoomba

Price states Jenny Rotunno's reply to a question why she has never been sexually assaulted is the"saddest apologia for sexual violence"I have ever read. Really? Rotunno merely stated the precautions she took to avoid becoming a victim. Price,on the other hand,makes numerous assertions based on what she thinks Rotunno means,rather that what she actually said. So let me"assert"that Rotunno's real crime in the eyes of Ms Price is being a female lawyer acting for Harvey Weinstein. -Mike Kenneally,Balmain

Jenna Price reads a little too much into Donna Rotunno’s interview. Rotunno seems to be saying that some men can’t be trusted,specifically those of whom she has no prior knowledge,rather than saying no men can be trusted. And it equates to the attitude of many men that women of whom they have no prior knowledge are to be viewed with caution. Someone's persona – the face they present to the world – is a notoriously unreliable indicator of what lies beneath,be they male or female. -Greg McCarry,Epping

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Illustration:John Shakespeare

Money for royal circus

How much will this royal tour cost Australia? ("Prince William and Catherine set to fly to Australia for bushfire recovery tour",,February 11). The money spent on this royal visit would be far better spent helping communities. After all,we keep hearing that the budget is tight,but apparently not so tight that it can't prop up a royal visit. Perhaps the PM thinks this is marketing opportunity for tourism,and himself,of course. Yet again,our PM is way out of touch with Australian communities. -Jacqui Keats,Black Head

Think carefully,Prime Minister,before signing off on a royal marketing tour of fire-ravaged Australia. The duke and duchess may not want to shake your hand any more than the residents of Cobargo. -Scott Brandon Smith,Bowral

The PM has found something he thinks will distract us from his troubles and falling popularity. -Michael Chapman,East Albury

Warner not worthy

How on Earth was David Warner named Cricketer of the Year ("It's all white on the night",February 11)?

He was a complete failure in the Ashes series and,in any case,his antics in South Africa are still too fresh in the minds of anyone who expects the Border Medal recipient to uphold the best traditions of our great game. -Ray Alexander,Moss Vale

When lies rule

Your correspondent Charmain Brinks (Letters,February 11) has summarised the problem very succinctly. Politicians are loose with the truth. When I first started taking a real interest in politics in the 1960s,if a politician lied to parliament,the press or the public,he/she was in serious trouble. This is no longer the case. A cornerstone of democracy is trust.

Trust in political processes and institutions. This trust is being rapidly eroded and represents a real threat to democracy. -Erik Kulakauskas,Port Macquarie

Nuclear too risky

Just a little reminder from Brother Dominic's 1953 chemistry class. Uranium was formed about 6.6 billion years ago. Uranium 238's half-life is 4500 million years (about the life of the Earth). Plutonium's half-life is at least 24,000 years. My great-grandson is four months old. As it will take at least 24,000 years to perfect safe storage of"spent"fuel rods. we should defer all thoughts of using nuclear power in this country until then (Letters,February 11). -Don Nealon,Taree

Not left to chance

Proof,if needed,that money makes the world go round ("Crown casino’s'special arrangement'gave Chinese high-rollers access to fast-tracked visas",February 11). -Steve Ngeow,Chatswood

Communication breakdown

John P Arslett (Letters,February 11) you’ll relate to this. When the NBN was connected we organised a basic mobile phone for our elderly neighbour and gave her training.

Fast forward to current weather and local blackout. This gentle soul advises"I’m going to call them and ask for my landline back"as the mobile sits on her table,battery flat. -Brian Jones,Leura

Not any old Joe

Joe Hockey was a great ambassador to the US who knew how to handle Donald Trump. How do we know this? Joe Hockey told us so. -Max Fischer,Wollongong

Water views

Showerhouse Museum (Letters,February 11)? -Les Shearman,Darlington

Black to the future

"Back in black"is sooo last year. -Graeme Finn,St Peters

Roofless drivers

On owning up for the deluge (Letters,February 11),for sports car drivers it's"top up"or"top down". Only"tin tops"have roofs. -Ingo Weinberger,Campsie

Bottom of the barrel

And it’s compounded by a rotten apple in every barrel. (“Pollies can’t quit their addiction to pork”,February 11).Geoffrey Williamson,Woollahra

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