Darcy Dugan goes the tonk

Graham Russell of Clovelly wants to crack the colour code:"Service providers with underground utilities usually mark their location on the street surface with a variety of coloured lines and codes before excavating. Do the various colours used represent a specific utility or are they merely what someone thinks is a pretty colour?"

"I’ve often wondered why we say'born and bred'. Surely we are bred and then born?"ponders Tony Ayers of Woy Woy.

"Alan Turing's (C8) image may well be on the £50 note but I suspect,given his obsession to turn mind into machine,crypto-currency is where his spirit will find its home,"writes Jack Dikian of
Mosman,while David Gordon of Cranebrook asks:"Will the UK copy Australia's new security feature by omitting a letter? Enigma could thus become Nigma,Eigma,Engma,Enima,Eniga or Enigm. I like Enima best. It runs well."

Cricket’s latest controversy finds Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook in the underworld:“I searched Cricket Australia’s membership database to see if I had been double-counted,however,my search went through to the keeper. My only claim to fame was when I played for the Tumbarumba Methodists in 1964 and the competition included teams from the Laurel Hill and Manus Afforestation Camps (aka minimum security prisons). One of the team members from the latter establishment was one Darcy Ezekiel Dugan,convicted bank robber and serial prison escapee. What I didn’t know at the time was Darcy and his mates were nicking out of Manus and doing petty break and enter jobs in town. He was found out and was returned to Goulburn to serve out his now extended term.”

Can you start a fire with a microwave? (C8) Flamin'oath you can! Pasquale Vartuli of Wahroonga simply says:"A high sugar content (such as a'warm'desert) and sufficient time will eventually result in fire."Anne Cook (whose name qualifies her automatically) of Ermington states:"Either metal,plastic and/or paper will cause a fire. Metal causes arcing and fire at some stage,intense heat can cause plastic or a paper bag to ignite,emitting toxic fumes."

Frank Maundrell of Nundle writes:"Try as I might,I cannot come up with a reason for heating a sachet of BBQ sauce. Apparently,Paul Keir had a reason,but I can't imagine why it might take six minutes (or more) in a microwave! He's very fortunate it did not explode."


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