Diamond day for the old girl

Some very clever readers have written in to remind Granny that they know the eleventh day of January is a special day for Column 8,and that today is even more significant – it is the 75th anniversary of Granny’s first appearance in the eighth column of the old broadsheet page of theSydney Morning Herald. It’s a diamond of a day for your dear old Granny,75 years young! With particular thanks to Andrew Leventhal of St Leonards,Don Bain of Port Maquarie and Allan Gibson of Cherrybrook for their birthday greetings,Allan noting with consternation that the 2022 Leunig calendar included the birthdays for theHerald,Age andAFRbut not Column 8. “I am on the case to have you recognised in the 2023 calendar!”

Graeme Finn of Summer Hill may not be able to come up with any upside-down years other than 1961 (C8),but he does know “those born in that year will turn 61 this year”.

Don Leayr of Albury remembers “Mad Magazine celebrating 1961 as an upside-down year (C8),the first since 1881,and the last until 6009” . Andrew McPherson of Kalaru reckons that with 6009,and 6119,being nigh on 4000 years away,there is no guarantee they will happen.

“Thanks to our groceries getting squashed either at the checkout or when crammed into the car,we now pay full price for packets of partially broken biscuits (C8),” laments Joan Brown of Orange.

Maintaining today’s numerical theme,Patricia Fairall of Goulburn recalls that while chatting with her son Jon,he remarked,“I am 47 and was born in 1974.” To which Patricia replied,“I am 74 and was born in 1947.” Patricia wonders if there are any other Column 8 readers who share those significant digits within their family.

Being a former sound guy in Canberra,Paul James of Thredbo “would like to propose 12/1/22 as International Sound Check Day”>

Col Shephard of Yamba thought he had seen every imaginable design of COVID mask possible,ranging from the hopelessly pathetic to the exceptionally outrageous,until he saw a mask being worn in Yamba which he believes is worthy of a best-in-class award. “The mask,which was being worn properly,by a male under 40 years old (my estimate),displayed a mouth and a half of teeth of all shapes and sizes,in various states of repair and disrepair,in a humungous smile. It brought the house down!”


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