Did Folau hijack St Paul or quote wrong passage?

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

Illustration:Cathy Wilcox

John Tait's article raises the interesting argument that Biblical passages are always reinterpreted and misused according to different contexts and the motivations of different religious proponents ("Folau's contract with God took precedence over the Bible truth",July 18).

Are institutions ready to see their employees embroiled in such controversies in the public sphere?

This is not about demanding free speech – it is about the freedom to proselytise,to vilify and to mislead in the work space,something entirely new and entirely questionable. -Vanessa Tennent,Oatley

Israel Folau's main"sin"was that he quoted the wrong Bible passage.

He should have quoted 1 Corinthians 6:9-10:"Or do you not know that wrongdoers will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived:neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor men who have sex with men nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God."-Christie Balzer,Terrigal

"Folau's contract with God is…..to reach out and save others. Unfortunately,he also had a contract with Rugby Australia,"writes Tait.

Surely,there lies the nub of the matter:the difference between being a man of God,or a man of his word. -Edward Loong,Milsons Point

Thank you,John Tait,for giving voice to modern critical biblical scholarship and progressive Christianity,the ignorance of which creates a serious imbalance in public debate. -Meredith Williams,Dee Why

"Did Folau misquote the bible? Hell,yes"reminds us that we communicate in a world where near enough is good enough and opinion is more important than evidence.

Imploring people to be always tolerant of intolerance,advocates such as Folau,commentators such as Alan Jones and Andrew Bolt and politicians such asPeter Dutton will face their own"judgement"day when the social division and hatred they inspire becomes all pervasive. -Gary Moore,Blackheath

Bravo,John Tait,for pointing out that Folau hijacked St Paul by saying unrepentant gays were headed to hell.

This is another case of religion being hijacked by politics. The issue has always been about culture wars,not true Christian belief.

One quibble though – on what basis does Tait say it is a vain hope that the world as we know it is coming to an end? Perhaps he can spell out his understanding of why the universe even exists,and where is it going? -John Synnott,Enmore

Ironically,Folau has set out to save and not to vilify,but has done the opposite. For Tait,it is all about kindness. We can share his hope for mercy and forgiveness without rushing to condemn what we fear in ourselves or others. -Mark Porter,New Lambton

Tait writes:"It is not kind to ... tell them that'hell awaits'."This is like saying that a doctor is not kind to tell me that I have a serious illness.

I may not like the news or even believe it,and the treatment may be costly,but that doesn't make it unkind. Maybe the message can be improved,but the real unkindness would be to know that something much better is on offer and to not urge people to take it. -Jackson Gatenby,Kirribilli

Charities can benefit from philanthropist's windfall

Congratulations to Dick Smith on his stand over franking credits (Letters,July 18). True,he can afford to send the franking credits back to the ATO.

Franking credits should be means tested and the money saved could be used where it is more urgently needed.

There are many people in this country who are struggling to put bread on the table,pay power bills and rent and so on. Are those who get large franking credits also struggling? -Frank Halpin,Heathcote

Your correspondent found it"hard to believe"that Smith"had no idea what franking credits were". No doubt his knowledge is in line with the vast majority,who don't have regular exposure to the intricacies of franking credits.

Time and again politicians and the general public have demonstrated they don't fully understand the dividend imputation system.

The frequent comment"why should people who pay no tax receive a tax refund"is an immediate giveaway as it may be incorrect on both counts. Income tax is paid on dividends and unused franking credits are not refunds,but reimbursements. -Harry Polley,Dural

Please,Dick,don't give your franking credits refund back to the tax office. Think how much more useful it could be if donated directly to needy causes of your choice instead of being swallowed up in whatever pork-barrelling the government of the day is funding. -Penny Ransby Smith,Lane Cove

I'd be more impressed if Smith donated 20 years of franking credits to his favourite charity rather than suggest the government change the legislation that would disadvantage thousands of less fortunate retirees. -Denis Suttling,Newport Beach

The fact that many rely on such"refunds"does not make them right. -Trevor McCarroll,Foxground

Smith's half a million dollar tax refund finds him in a quandary that most people would naturally love to unburden him of.

However,there is no reason for the successful businessman to squander such a hard-earned windfall on the government. I suggest this largesse be donated by Smith to a registered charity of his choice.

Unless,of course,he has an issue with making a tax deductible donation and claiming a quarter of a million dollars back again as a tax refund next year. -Ashwin Garg,Strathfield

I wonder why the very generous,often anonymous philanthropist didn't just send the money back anonymously. Then the commissioner would have been able lodge a notice for publication:"The Commissioner of Taxation has received $500,000 as conscience money". -Allan Gibson,Cherrybrook

Bubble bursts home ownership dream

Shane Wright's article on how housing prices have shot through the roof illustrates how governments have done little other than to grossly inflate the housing bubble by encouraging investors through negative gearing and buyers to get further into debt ("Collapse in home owner numbers",July 18).

If the only means left to acquire a home is via an inheritance,this will further entrench inequality into a society that once had a reputation for its egalitarianism. It would appear that the great Australian dream has gone forever. -Peter Nash,Fairlight

We can thank the Howard government for the collapse in home ownership in Sydney and Melbourne since 1996. Howard's signature policy was a 50 per cent discount on capital gains and the encouragement of negative gearing on multiple properties. Thus young first-home buyers have seen a big increase in competition with speculative property investors. -Tony Simons,Balmain

Perhaps the collapse in home ownership numbers is a matter of arithmetic. If one sector of the community is encouraged to purchase investment properties through negative gearing there are less properties for prospective home owners to buy. -John McGlynn,Carlingford

Architects not to blame

Your correspondent questions why architects have not been criticised in the current furore about poor building constructions (Letters,July 18).

Architects design,engineers write plans,specifications and schedules of materials to be used. Engineers are responsible for the safety of all building complexes.

After all,Jorn Utzon was the architect for the Sydney Opera House but it was Jack Zunz,the engineer,who made the roof possible. -Glynn Stiller,Bowral

Your correspondent hasn't seen any criticism of the architectural profession in the current furore because generally all their work is based on dreams and aesthetics.

The actual"making sure it doesn't fall down"work is done,initially,by the engineers and then by the builder.

It's when the developer squeezes the builder to save money and the builder then passes on the squeeze to the subbies that the corners get cut and the problems arise. -Tony Redmond,Wyong

The architect does not have the final input. It's the client or developer.

Sadly,too often a safe,efficient product is replaced with an inferior product due to cost savings. A good example being building cladding. -Eve Jackson,Lindfield

Law unto themselves

Mark Latham is moving to overhaul lawmaking in NSW because the"most problematic laws in NSW had been'rushed,ill-considered legislation and decision-making'("Latham scores win on lawmaking",July 18)".

The greyhound racing ban was cited as an example but the ban had majority community support and was only overturned by the non-democratic influence of noisy shock-jocks and vested interests.

If lawmaking reform happens it should ensure that those unelected bodies are no longer allowed to pressure governments through bullying. -Judy Hungerford,North Curl Curl

Is not the Latham motion for"input into proposed laws by a citizens'panel"eerily like"the Voice",and a good thing to boot? -Gerard English,Waverton

Home away from home

My wife spent her last years in Elizabeth Lodge in Elizabeth Bay and the care was beyond excellent (Letters,July 18). Compassion was their mantra and they stressed that this was their home and family and friends had complete access at all times,as a home does.

I had past experience with the Moran Group of homes with my wife's mother and their care was equal to this. This spells out loud and clear that quality care can be provided by profit or non-profit organisations and be financially viable.

The homes that are providing uncaring and sub-standard care have nowhere to hide. More surveillance is needed if we want to be regarded as a civilised and caring society. -Richard Hambly,Potts Point

It's not just nursing homes. During a short stay in hospital,I found the food quality appalling,raising both environmental and nutritional concerns.

No fresh food,just highly processed and vegetables cooked to mush. I literally had to throw a tantrum to be allowed to drink tap water yet there is no evidence that commercial bottled water is any safer. Its purchase must have significant financial,as well as environmental,costs.

The young attending doctor was concerned at my refusal to eat but when I asked if she would eat hospital food,the look of embarrassment on her face said it all. -Jennifer Killen,St Peters

RBA weakened by politics

John Hewson has drawn welcome attention to the politicisation of the Reserve Bank and its governor Philip Lowe by the government via the Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Treasurer Josh Frydenberg ("RBA independence on the block",July 18).

The joint press conference between Frydenberg and Lowe was a very disturbing image. Up until then,the RBA had been perceived as being the lone bastion of independence. But sadly,no more.

Lowe has been attempting to replace the desired economic boost by lowering interest rates to historic lows. Hewson points out that the interest rate cuts will likely have counterproductive results for consumer spending,asset inflation and household debt levels. Lowe looks weak and fatally compromised. -Alan Carruthers,Artarmon

Safe from harm

For the government to prevent pill testing at music festivals,in light of the existence of safe injecting rooms,is unconscionable ("Teen's last text breaks heart",July 18). How can we facilitate the safe ingestion of certain illegal substances in one venue and not ensure the other illegal substances are safe in another? The aim in both is to prevent death or grievous bodily harm,there can be no distinction if that is the aim. -Colin McFarland,Bondi

Stretching ABC's dollar

I thought they had found a creative way to stretch the budget ("ABC accidentally airs rerun of Shaun Micallef'sMad As Hell",July 18). -David Neilson,Invergowrie

Not so cool beans

As a coffee drinker I was relieved to see evidence of no links between caffeine consumption and increased risk of cancer ("Coffee will not give you cancers,scientists say",July 18). That was until I read the evidence was based on genetic data of 300,000 coffee drinkers in the UK.

Have the authors been to the UK? There is no such thing as coffee in the UK,at least from an Australian perspective. -Kate Wilson,Dulwich Hill

Build it faster

With all this talk about compensating the NRL for not being able to stage the 2021 grand final at the new stadium,would it not be simpler to get more workers on the job and have it finished in time ("NRL seeks $20m compo to keep GF in Sydney",July 18). Let's face it,two years is a very long time. -Laurie Powell,Woy Woy

Priority check

Not all us baby boomers are concerned about the 50th anniversary of the moon landing ("One small moon halo,one giant Boomergasm",July 18).

However,I reckon many of us are still more than interested in at least two out of three of the sex,drugs and rock'n'roll. -Con Vaitsas,Ashbury

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