Ex-councillor thought Sidoti’s lobbying was reasonable,but now sees it differently:ICAC

A former Liberal councillor says he never thought Drummoyne MP John Sidoti was acting on behalf of his own private interests when he lobbied council,but that he was advocating for small business.

Psychiatrist Dr Tanveer Ahmed on Tuesday told the corruption watchdog he interpreted Mr Sidoti’s repetitive lobbying for rezoning in Five Dock between 2014 and 2017 as a sign the matter was “electorally sensitive.”

Dr Tanveer Ahmed will continue to give on Wednesday.

Dr Tanveer Ahmed will continue to give on Wednesday.Edwina Pickles

“I thought he was potentially a good judge of that,given he was the state MP,he was dealing with these matters day to day,he’d been a deputy mayor,and he was linked to the ministry for planning.” he said.

Dr Ahmed said,if he had known Mr Sidoti could benefit from rezoning or increasing building heights in the area,he would not have accepted his advocacy.

The Independent Commission Against Corruption is examining if Mr Sidoti misused his position to improperly influence local Liberal councillors for the City of Canada Bay from 2011-2018.

“I’ve said this to John,if there was at any stage that I thought he was representing private interests,then I would have weighed his advice very differently and I would have had no hesitation in essentially just telling him where to go,to be honest,” Dr Ahmed said.

The inquiry has largely focused on Mr Sidoti’s sustained lobbying to rezone several blocks in Five Dock where his family owned property,despite multiple independent experts finding it was not in the public interest.

Drummoyne MP John Sidoti departs ICAC.

Drummoyne MP John Sidoti departs ICAC.Wolter Peeters

Dr Ahmed said he joined as a Liberal councillor in 2012 after he met then premier Barry O’Farrell at a function,who suggested he contact Mr Sidoti about joining local politics.

In his time on council Dr Ahmed said Mr Sidoti often made representations about a variety of issues,but conceded his advocacy on the Five Dock matter was “intrusive” and “especially enthusiastic”.

The commission heard Mr Sidoti often tried to arrange meetings with Liberal councillors and corral them to vote as a block,by providing suggested motions from his town planners.

Emails tendered to the ICAC reveal Mr Sidoti’s alleged reliance on Liberal councillors to green light planning decisions linked to his family’s interests,including in October 2015 when he wrote to Dr Ahmed,“Mate,without you I’m f--ked”.

Mr Sidoti was responding to an email from Dr Ahmed saying he could not attend a council meeting where a key vote on the decision would take place.

Dr Ahmed told the commission the email did not raise concerns for him at the time,saying he thought Mr Sidoti was inferring that councillors were not advocating for small business as well as they could.

“I didn’t see it as improper that he,as the state MP who had strong experience in planning,could be an adviser,” he said.

Dr Ahmed at times frustrated Commissioner Peter Hall,QC,and council assisting Rob Ranken for not directly answering questions,with Commissioner Hall forced to press him to explain what he meant by Mr Sidoti being “intrusive”.

“I think what I meant was that we would be going about our day-to-day lives,and we’d get quite regular,unusually regular and consistent communications,” Dr Ahmed said.

Commissioner Hall,QC,asked if he now saw problems with Mr Sidoti’s conduct,in particular his email about the vote.

“Absolutely,” Dr Ahmed said. “I certainly now see problems”.

Commissioner Hall asked if he saw anything wrong with Mr Sidoti trying to canvas votes at the time.

The former councillor said he thought it was a reasonable part of being the state MP,before Commissioner Hall asked him to stop avoiding his question:“Did it occur to you at the time there was anything wrong with him saying that to you?”

“No,it did not,” Dr Ahmed said.

The inquiry continues.

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Lucy Cormack is a journalist for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based in Dubai.

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