It turns out that the world is full of oddly named foods that we haven’t met yet in Col8. Today,Lynsey Moore of Ashgrove in Queensland (never let it be said that Col8 is parochial) offers “monkey gland sauce”,apparently a great favourite at South African barbeques. The good news is that,although it sounds very odd indeed,no monkeys are involved,only tomato sauce,Worcestershire sauce and various spices to taste,which is a great relief.
Stuart Garland of Yamba worries about butterflied chicken and wonders if it’s a version of turducken. “Even the name turducken leaves me a little squeamish about eating it,” he says.
Also on the subject of food,Ron Besdansky of Northbridge and Charmain Brinks of Newcastle would like to know exactly which species of fish has the fingers that are found in every supermarket freezer.
Following tales of cafes out in the far-flung corners of NSW,Rosemary Seam of Kempsey would like to recommend the local Lou’s Cafe. She reports that “Bob Geldof enjoyed baked beans on toast,on tour one day with his band – a staff member nipped out to buy a tin to satisfy the request.” What greater praise for service can you ask?
Mention of Niagara Cafe at Gundagai (Col8,Monday) delighted Charles Pope of Morpeth,who remembers,“In the ’40s and ’50s,it was a vital stop on the drive between Griffith and Sydney. It was also well known for its hospitality to John Curtin,our wartime prime minister. Gundagai was never a good place to spend the night,however,due to the horrific noise from trucks on the long timber bridge (now gone) over the Murrumbidgee River.”
In cooler news,discussion continues about sexing snow figures (isn’t that just totally a Col8 subject,do admit). Murray Hatton of Colah and Helen Croaker of Fadden in the ACT insist that “snowperson” is not acceptable and “snowperoffspring” is the only possible appellation.
Col8 great minds,of course,never let a chance go by and would like to take persons in different directions. Christine Tracey of the delightfully named Worrowing Heights (down near Jervis Bay,as you ask) wonders when “Queensland will be changed to Throne Person Land”. Rhod Jeffrey of Surrey Hills asks,“Does that mean we have to call them person-eating sharks now?” This seems reasonable to Col8 in these days of equality;why should sharks be exempt?
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