Lord of the Rings,Sydney style

"In June,as viewed from Drummoyne through the mid-winter murk,the Crown casino building looked uncannily like the Dark Tower of Mordor,"says Robert Curran of Drummoyne."In September,the setting sun reflecting off the upper levels resembled the Eye of Sauron. In November,the Crown casino inquiry unveiled a Dark Lord. If anyone can lend me a spare Ring of Power,I’m off to Mount Doom."

David Davies of Drummoyne wonders:"If Trump is to be considered for Word of the Year (C8),is a new definition required? Card games aside,trump is defined as:'To surpass (something) by saying or doing something better.'My definition for Trump is:'Pretend to surpass (something) by saying or doing anything.'"The nomination from David Morton of Wahroonga is"Columnache. This refers to the steady,unrelenting pain felt by a contributor in the days following dispatch of their offering,when there are absolutely no signs of its publication."Not counting today.

"Did anyone besides me witness Russell Crowe's first foray into television on the re-run episode ofSpyforce on Saturday night?"asks Paul Harrison of Singleton."He was an uncredited,fresh-faced seven-year-old in a South Sydney Rabbitohs jumper whose only line was a grunt."

Simon Dixon of Bolton Point notes:"Columnists seem to be rejoicing in the demise of the audible aspects of blackboard use (C8). My own relief would be the removal of the half-chalk missiles and dusters,launched with unerring accuracy at dozing or inattentive students by the master at an English school who attempted to teach me French."Cela a-t-il fonctionné?

Moving on from Upper Downer (C8),Bill Connolly of Newington recalls:"When I worked at CIG in the ’80s,a great colleague was David Walsh,who reputedly hailed from Upper Dingo Creek. He had some affection for the place,but his co-workers thought the name of the locality hilarious."

"It seems that Mike Phillips (C8),in his story of the cheque written on a cow,is perpetuating the myth created by that wonderful British comedyMisleading Cases,where an eccentric Roy Dotrice continually took government authorities to court,before the bemused judge Alastair Sim,when they tried to curtail his self-imposed right to do as he damned well pleased,"says John Ure of Mount Hutton."And he always won."Adrian Connelly of Springwood adds:"Those TV episodes no longer exist but would be worthy of a revival."


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