Newstart Opal card? Push to lower fares for those living on $40 a day

When he can,Tony Iltis walks to appointments with job-search providers or Centrelink,instead of catching the train or bus. The ticket price is high for someone living on $40 a day on an unemployment benefit.

"Fares are really expensive when you're on a very low income,"said Mr Iltis,52,who lives near Parramatta."You have to choose between a train fare and getting something to eat."

Newstart recipient Tony Iltis often walks because he finds the cost of public transport too high.

Newstart recipient Tony Iltis often walks because he finds the cost of public transport too high.Janie Barrett

The cost of a train or bus fare can also be a barrier to meeting friends and family.

"A lot of the time I don't go because I can't afford the fares. It results in you being very socially isolated,"Mr Iltis said."Newstart is not a stop-gap thing. Once you have been on the dole,it is very hard to get work."

With a review under way into the state's Opal fares,social services groups are urging the Berejiklian government to create a Newstart Opal card,similar to the Gold Opal for pensioners.

They want the $2.50 a day cap on public transport for pensioners using the Gold cards to be extended to those on the Newstart allowance who live on $277 a week.

The NSW Council of Social Services argues that it is inequitable for those on Newstart,whose budgets are as tight as pensioners,do not get the same concessions.

"Not having enough money to move around to access employment opportunities is an insurmountable one,"the peak body has told the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal,which is reviewing Opal fares for the next four years.

The cost of public transport is high for those on the unemployment benefit.

The cost of public transport is high for those on the unemployment benefit.AAP

"Providing deeper concessions to the costs of transport for people living below the poverty line could make a big difference."

While the government regularly considers fare concessions,Transport Minister Andrew Constance said it had no plans to change them for those on Newstart because public transport fares were heavily subsidised by taxpayers.

"Newstart,as a program,is designed to act as a transition payment for people to go from being unemployed to a new job,"he said.

But the Combined Pensioners and Superannuants Association said the cost of public transport had reached"crisis point"for people aged 55 and over who were on Newstart. More than a quarter of the near 200,000 people on the unemployment benefit in NSW are aged between 55 and 64.

Transport Minister Andrew Constance.

Transport Minister Andrew Constance.Edwina Pickles

Those on Newstart can apply for an Opal concession card,which caps the cost of travel at $8 a day or $25 a week.

However,a day of casual work can make them ineligible for a silver concession card. And if jobless again,they have to reapply for the concession card and revert to full fares before their new cards arrive,which the pensioners'association said could take up to two weeks.

"This cost is unaffordable to people on Newstart,"it said.

The Western Sydney Community Forum also told the Opal review that those on Newstart face similar financial demands as pensioners,yet receive less in welfare.

"The current concession fare structure particularly disadvantages Newstart recipients who are expected to undertake travel when searching for employment,"it said.

Labor's transport spokesman,Chris Minns,said the Opposition was concerned that 20 per cent of Newstart recipients'income,after essential bills,was spent on transport each week.

But he said Labor would want to see the estimated cost to the state's transport budget of lowering fare caps for those on Newstart before supporting such a plan.

Matt O'Sullivan is transport and infrastructure editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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