'Not in my backyard':Locals angry ventilation outlet could close pool

"It’s just incredibly disruptive. Everything about all the new infrastructure in this area is just incredibly disruptive."

Those are the words of Lilyfield resident Janet Ollevou,who is among several inner west locals who are frustrated by a plan to build a ventilation outlet for the new Metro West rail line on the grounds of the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre,closing it temporarily.

Janet Ollevou is disappointed in the infrastructure changes in her area.

Janet Ollevou is disappointed in the infrastructure changes in her area.Steven Siewert

The$20 billion-plus metro rail linewill run between Parramatta and Sydney CBD,aiming to minimise congestion and shorten the travel time for those commuting to and from the city.

Some 116 properties have already been acquired for the project,with the tunnel boring machines expected to start digging the line in 2022,and the project to be completed by 2030.

The ventilation output is proposed for the grass area next to the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre.

The ventilation output is proposed for the grass area next to the Leichhardt Park Aquatic Centre.Steven Siewert

Ventilation outlets will line the railway,and one is mooted for the grass area at the Leichhardt pool in the section between the Bays Precinct near Rozelle and Five Dock.

A spokesperson for Sydney Metro said:''This site is not confirmed and Sydney Metro is investigating alternatives subject to ongoing engagement with council and other stakeholders.''

Inner West Council mayor Darcy Byrne told theHerald:"Early advice from the council officers is that the air quality,noise and vibration impact from construction will force us to close the pool."

Ms Ollevou,who has lived in the Inner West for almost 40 years and swims at the pool every couple of days,said she is disappointed that the pool could be closed.

This is not the first time the area has been impacted by state government infrastructure,she said.

"I just watched those houses being knocked down on Victoria Road,"Ms Ollevou said,referring to the Rozelle houses demolished as a result of theWestConnex project.

"And there was recently a smokestack put above a school nearby. It just seems like we are losing facilities instead of gaining them."

Martin Rees says the closure of the pool will have a real impact on residents.

Martin Rees says the closure of the pool will have a real impact on residents.Steven Siewert

The site of the proposed ventilation outlet is within 100m of the Bay Run walking and cycling path,which Ms Ollevou said will also be disrupted.

"People decided to live here because they wanted the serenity,"she said."It’s frustrating,to say the least,that they are ruining that for us."

Martin Rees,from Ashfield,has been swimming at Leichhardt while his local pool has been under renovation.

"It's a bit of a hit for people who like swimming in the inner west,"he said."For the local residents,in particular,it will have a real impact."

Peter Wolfe is not happy with the proposed closure of the aquatic centre.

Peter Wolfe is not happy with the proposed closure of the aquatic centre.Steven Siewert

Ashfield resident Peter Wolfe is also disappointed with the prospect of the temporary closure of the pool,saying that it will have a great impact for little reward.

"It’s just crazy. People use the pool every day,"he said."They’re upsetting a lot of locals and a lot of visitors to the area for something we just don’t need."

Asked where he thinks a better site for the ventilation outlet would be,Mr Wolfe responded:"Not in my backyard! It would be more suited to somewhere with fewer people,or perhaps just closer to Sydney Harbour."

Ellie Dudley is a Sydney Morning Herald intern journalist.

Matt O'Sullivan is transport and infrastructure editor at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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