Odds in Chip’s favour

Not that he’s banging his own drum or anything,but Chips Mackinolty of Darwin would like to point out that back in May of this year (May 24,to be exact - Granny) he predicted the word of the year. And here it is,exactly as published. “While corporate bookmakers don’t take bets on such matters,odds on favourite for the Macquarie Dictionary ‘Word of the Year’ must surely be ‘teal’.” It may not pay the bills Chips,but you’ve surely earned a place in the Column 8 Hall of Fame with this one.

Observing that this sort of thing doesn’t happen in her neck of the woods,Heather Harman of Tuncurry asks if the following is a common practice in Sydney restaurants. “A friend of mine was celebrating her daughter’s birthday at a Sydney eatery and the waiter produced an iron and proceeded to press the tablecloth before ‘setting’ it.”

Whether Henry Higgins would approve is up for debate,but for Kevin Hunt of Kenthurst,“it seems the pain in Spain is mainly with the train”.

Don’t ask how he knows,but Greg Oehm of Moss Vale advises:“If stuck when playing Trivial Pursuit (original edition),the correct answer is ‘Thor Heyerdahl’.”

While some have two default answers to pub trivia quizzes (C8) John Curtin of Northwood “is charged by his three adult children of reducing the meaning of life,how the universe works and how the human body becomes disordered to two words:physics and dermatitis”. He happily pleads guilty to the charge,pleased with his quick answers to endless curious kids’ questions.

When Bev Matthews of Wallerawang was phoning the ATO recently,her “smartphone warned it was a suspected scam. Pretty accurate,I thought”.

Stephanie Edwards of Roseville hopes the Arctic Box (C8) on the Harbour Bridge “is a refrigerator to keep drinks cold for the guards who stand all day in the sun on the walkway. I also hope they have a portaloo”. Kin Wong of Chatswood has another theory. “So that’s where they’ve been storing Dick Smith’s iceberg!”

More numbered attempts (C8). One of the first things Brett Jack of Bonnyrigg Heights learned “as an apprentice optical mechanic,back in the Cretaceous Period,was that the most widely used plastic for spectacle lenses,known in the trade as CR-39,was the result of the 39th attempt at such a formulation by the Columbia Resin company”.


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