Perrottet and Kean no carbon copy of Morrison on climate change

Does the federal Liberal Party have the capacity to learn the lessons from its wipeout at the May election? A newly released review into the disastrous result,conducted by senator Jane Hume and former director Brian Loughnane,suggests not.

The much-hyped review is,in fact,a joke. The document has some fleeting moments of critical self-reflection but reads more like a laundry list of gripes and excuses. Loyal Liberal Party supporters must be tearing their hair out.

Extraordinarily,the 60-page post-mortem contains just one mention of climate change – a key factor behind the Morrison government’s abysmal election showing. And even then,climate change only came up in the report in the context of explaining why teal candidates were able to gain a foothold in New South Wales,Victoria and Western Australia.

TheHerald believes six factors drove the teal wave which swept through the blue-ribbon Sydney seats of Wentworth,North Sydney,Mackellar and Warringah:Scott Morrison’s personal unpopularity,the Liberal Party’s treatment of women,the government’s handling of the COVID-19 vaccine rollout,the absence of any reform agenda,its weak proposal for a national anti-corruption commission,and,critically,the federal Liberal Party’s dismal approach to climate change.

The party had to be dragged kicking and screaming to embrace a formal position of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050,and did not do enough work to explain to voters how it intended to transition the economy and energy system to a carbon-neutral reality. It also refused to adopt a more ambitious target for 2030.

This negligence delivered a gift to the teal movement,which they were only too grateful to accept.

Now,Climate 200 – the fundraising vehicle founded by Simon Holmes à Court – wants to replicate their federal success at the NSW state election in March. Many of his candidates have raised climate change and the environment as key issues they intend to campaign on.

The Climate 200-backed candidate for the northern Sydney seat of Pittwater,former environmental lawyer Jacqui Scruby,recently claimed that “many of the issues that were federal issues are ultimately and vitally state issues”. Bizarrely,she pledged to campaign against a push to drill for gas off the coastline between Manly and Newcastle,known as PEP-11. But this is largely a federal issue,and is also the subject of a Federal Court fight.

Teal candidates shouldn’t mislead voters by pretending that the Perrottet government is some sort of carbon copy of the Morrison government. Any rational examination of the difference between both – particularly on the environment – shows state Liberals leave their federal counterparts for dead.

While it is true that some fossil fuel projects have been approved under premiers Mike Baird,Gladys Berejiklian and Dominic Perrottet,today’s announcement by Treasurer Matt Kean of a significantly higher emissions reduction target shows the Liberal-led NSW government is arguably the most progressive state government in the country on climate change. Even the World Wildlife Fund recently ranked NSW as the nation’s renewable energy leader,with Daniel Andrews’ Victoria well behind on fifth place.

The new plan involves boosting the existing goal of reducing emissions by 70 per cent below 2005 levels by 2035,up from the existing target of 50 per cent by 2030. The government claims this will spur nearly $40 billion in private investment and have no inflationary impact on energy prices.

The cabinet decision has been announced two days after the Albanese and Perrottet governments joined forces on a deal to spend $7.8 billion rolling out new poles,wires and other critical infrastructure needed to connect renewable energy zones across NSW to the national grid. Even Albanese acknowledged on Wednesday the state Liberal government deserved “credit” for its ongoing commitment to modernising the energy network. It also has a range of other climate programs and initiatives to boast.

While the new emissions reduction policy might be a handy pre-election announcement,it is more than some aspirational goal. Part of the reason the government has lifted the reduction target from 50 to 70 per cent is because its own modelling suggests the state,through its good work,is on a trajectory to achieve it. This is not a case of spin over substance.

Kean has copped heavy criticism from conservative commentators for his forward-leaning position on climate change but theHerald believes he and Perrottet have accurately read both the will of the public on this issue,as well as the mood of Liberal supporters.

The NSW election is still three months away and theHerald will only endorse the leader and party most deserving of running our state on the eve of the poll. But theHerald is prepared to say now that teal candidates do not deserve to win seats if their campaign is based on the false claim that the government has lacked guts on the environment and emissions reduction.

Perrottet and Kean deserve a big tick on climate change,and for the teals to suggest otherwise would be to seriously mislead voters.

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