Resisting the rule of three

It was a sudden demise and,while Toni Mulholland of Stockton “should have been prepared,it’s just so hard to believe it has finally happened. Last night our microwave gave up the ghost just as I was getting dinner ready. It was all over in seconds. Gone for ever after 35 years of faithful service.” Knowing how unlikely it is that the replacement will endure even half as long,Toni is crossing her fingers that these thingsdon’t come in threes,“so that our 40-year-old electric mower and the vintage Kenwood Chef don’t get wind of this catastrophe”.

Inspired by George Manojlovic (C8),and on behalf of his fellow seniors,Barry Wooldridge of Harden offers names of maladies we suffer,compared with the dismissive terms used by others. “We say ‘transient cognitive malfunctions’,they say memory lapses;‘post-prandial somnolence’ becomes nanny naps,‘eye-to-toe sightline obstruction’ is derisively called obesity,and ‘habitual narrative repetition’ is dismissed as repeating same jokes and anecdotes.”

Rob Hosking of Paddington was stunned to read Pastor de Lasala’s item (C8).“Only one Jaguar? The cleaners next door to me have two! Beautifully restored E-type and a Mk2

– the most classic. And a Ferrari and two Mercs. Obviously doing much better than failing to earn a living as an architect.” Peter Mayes of Petersham doesn’t see a problem. “It shows that the cleaners work very hard and,therefore,earn enough money to buy expensive cars. It’s not the job,it’s the work ethic.”

Greg King of Springwood “once worked in a school where a sign was stuck on the staff fridge (C8):‘The penicillin factory will be emptied of all food on Friday afternoons’.”

Peter Riley of Penrith didn’t spare the horses sending this one in. “Ah,but did Ivermectin cure the rash (C8)? Yay or neigh? That’s the equestrian.”

Having noticed that many unit complexes being built have curved balconies and curved edges of the building,Ruth Dickman of Pymble wonders if we are seeing “a return to the old P&O style of yesteryear? Also,many box hedges seem to be moving away from the angular shape and now have curved tops”. The glorious Art Deco design period with its geometric shapes and sweeping curvesdid follow a little thing known as the Spanish influenza pandemic. Could our post-COVID world possibly also show such beauty ... just without repeating the pattern of other world events of the 1920s and ’30s,please?

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