The students who are in the zone studying at home

Every Monday morning since remote learning began,year 7 student Chloe Skinner has sat at her desk downstairs at home and made a to-do list for the week ahead.

"I go through and write everything down for each subject. I choose what I know and can get done,with the easiest first. Each day I might work on three subjects and get them out of the way,"she said.

"When I’m at my desk I’m just in a zone. I still like talking to my friends during the day,but I’m not distracted at all. I feel accomplished,because I know I can get stuff done in the time I have."

Chloe Skinner is a year 7 student who is thriving during remote learning at home.

Chloe Skinner is a year 7 student who is thriving during remote learning at home.Jacky Ghossein

Remote learning during the coronavirus pandemic haschallenged many students. But educators are finding some have flourished,and they will need to be accommodated as NSW schoolstransition back to face-to-face teaching.

Chloe,12,has become more productive and engaged since working at her own pace in a quiet room. Even the questions she asks her teachers have become more precise,because she has to express herself clearly over email."I think that it’s just helped me to become a better learner and more independent,"she said.

Chief executive of the Australian Tutoring Association and a lecturer in teacher education,Mohan Dhall,said educators found three types of learners have thrived:independent ones,typically distracted students,and shy or perfectionist students.

Autonomous learners are generally self-motivated and would thrive in most circumstances. But Mr Dhall said their need for well-structured materials,alongside some real-time resources and instruction,has been well-served by remote learning.

Gifted education specialist Rosalind Walsh said these students,who were high-functioning and organised,had been moving through work more quickly."They're actually able to move at their own pace;they’re not held back by the rest of the class,"she said.

Students who are considered"distractible"or suffer from sensory overload have also been aided by quiet environments and technology like Microsoft Teams,Zoom and Google Hangouts.

"You can set[the technology] so the class is mute,use breakout rooms and turn cameras off so students can't see other students. Those kids have tended to be more productive,less distracted than they would be in the classroom,"Mr Dhall said.

Perfectionist students who don't enjoy taking risks,or students who are under-confident,were another group working better.

"In a chat forum where they can give a private rather than public answer,they are more likely to contribute,"Mr Dhall said."They are more active in their learning,and can receive more one-to-one support at well."

Dr Walsh said students who needed explicit directions were also benefiting from typed messages."I’ve recommended some teachers continue to answer[one student's] questions in a written form,because it gives something to refer back to rather than worrying,"she said.

She said ensuring these students were still learning at their best when face-to-face teaching resumed was"a really interesting question for schools and teachers".

"If the kids can take time to reflect in what worked for them and what didn’t,that’s going to be helpful as well,"she said.

"Students need to develop self-awareness of what they need:confidence to say to the teacher,could you please write down those instructions for me? Or the student who loves muting their classmates needs to have the confidence to say in class:can we all mute ourselves?"

Mr Dhall said there was an opportunity to integrate online learning tools with regular teaching,such as quizzes that give real-time feedback and private chat functions.

The state government has convened a committee to examine what the teaching profession can learn from the move to remote learning.

Many parents are being trust into home-schooling duties as COVID-19 spreads. Here are some tips to tackle it gracefully.

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Natassia Chrysanthos is the federal health reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald and The Age,based at Parliament House in Canberra.

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