'Three little saints':children killed by alleged drunk driver praised for charity work

The three Abdallah childrenkilled by an alleged drunk driver on Saturday night have been praised for their charity work with the homeless in Sydney's west.

Antony,Angelina and Sienna Abdallah were walking on the footpath with four other children at Oatlands when alleged drunk driver Samuel Davidson's ute mounted the kerb and hit the group.

The Abdallah children's mother,Leila,at the scene of the collision on Sunday.

The Abdallah children's mother,Leila,at the scene of the collision on Sunday.Edwina Pickles

The three Abdallah children and their cousin Veronique Sakr were killed at the scene,while three other children related to the family were hospitalised.

On Tuesday morning,a spokeswoman for The Children's Hospital at Westmead told theHerald that the 11-year-old boy taken there in a critical condition following the crash remained in an induced coma.

The two girls who were hospitalised,aged 10 and 13,were in a"satisfactory condition,"she said.

Sienna,Angelina and Antony Abdallah died in the collision on Saturday night.

Sienna,Angelina and Antony Abdallah died in the collision on Saturday night.Supplied

Charity Team Jesus said the Abdallah children were heavily involved in the group's weekly feeding of the Blacktown area's homeless population.

"Anthony[sic],Angelina and Sienna,and all Danny's family joined us regularly and they put themselves in the service of those who are in most need of our help. They stood in line with the adult team members to serve food and to give a smile to those who needed it most,"the charity said in aFacebook post.

"In fact,these little angels used to encourage or rather insist on their parents to take them to Blacktown on Friday night so they could serve,not the other way round. By this,they set an example to all other children to do the same and they made a huge impression on everyone who met them at this community service.

Veronique Sakr,aged 11,also died in the collision on Saturday night.

Veronique Sakr,aged 11,also died in the collision on Saturday night.Supplied

"Not only did they serve at tables,but they insisted on praying for the people whom we served,and their prayers brought the blessings and favour of God upon the place,"the post said.

"Danny&Leila are not raising average children. I congratulate you Danny&Leila for being model parents and for raising three little saints who have joined the ranks of the angels in heaven. With sadness of heart,we farewell Anthony,Angelina&Sienna. We will miss you tremendously."

On Monday,Leila Abdallah told reporters thatshe forgave Mr Davidson.

"I can't hate him. That's not who we are,"she said.

Sally Rawsthorne is a crime reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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