Will Trump’s narcissism bring down US democracy?

The popularity of Donald Trump is perplexing (“Trump still a threat to democracy:pollster”,June 14). His behaviour pivots on self aggrandisement and lies. He is so morally bankrupt it’s inconceivable that anyone would vote for him. Perhaps the answer is staring us in the face. Trump’s followers feel disenfranchised by the Democrats,the party that traditionally represented them. Disastrously,they were labelled “a basket of deplorables” by Hillary Clinton in 2016. The genie,in the form of ongoing vengeance that mirrors the persona of their narcissistic spinmeister,was released. Millionaire Trump,so far removed from “Trumpist” followers in life circumstances,has tapped into their powerlessness and given them hope. He has no reformist policies to make their lives better but that doesn’t matter. His supporters hang on his every lie and hate filled attack on societal norms. He “empowers” them and they empower him. He is now a dangerous cult leader.

While the Trump camp’s dysfunctional interdependence is terrifying,the Republican Party’s impotence is more so. If Trump becomes the GOP’s 2024 presidential nominee,it’s a reflection of spineless self-interest. The Party is prepared to endanger American democracy,and the safety of the democratic world,rather than lose Trump voters. The GOP’s resistance to disendorsing Trump after serious charges were laid against him,not to forget his incitement to storm the Capitol,is contemptible. One word shapes Trump,his followers and the Republican Party. Narcissism.Gerardine Grace,Leura

Illustration:Matt Golding

Illustration:Matt GoldingSupplied

Trump sells the politics of nostalgia,the unachievable security most of us yearn for:“Trust me,and I’ll make it the way it used to be,the way it was when you were a child”. To give him his due he has a phenomenal gift for the garbled gab.John Constable,Balmain

Trump leaves court “without conditions or travel restrictions” (“Trump makes history again as he’s arraigned in a Miami court”,smh.com.au,June 14). What’s to stop this lunatic from hightailing it to North Korea into the arms of the other fellow narcissist madman and taking up residence there
Fred Jansohn,Rose Bay

My concern with the possible trial of Trump over the 31 cases of mishandling secret documents is finding 12 jurors who are not biased. If,based on the percentage of Americans who are fervid Trump supporters,up to five of the jurors may be rusted-on Trump supporters,getting a guilty verdict from such a jury would be nigh impossible,no matter how compelling the evidence.Geoff Lindsay,Thurgoona

In a banana republic,political zealots don’t want the court to make a determination on whether a person is guilty or innocent. That’s the story with the Trump supporters and even his lawyers. And all this time we thought America was an advanced democracy based on the centrality of the rule of law.Rajend Naidu,Glenfield

I will repeat a contribution I sent in 2016:the rise of Trump’s popularity says more about the state of education in the US than its political system.Brian Collins,Cronulla

May the thermostat on the toaster be set too high,the Teflon coating melt and all that remains is the charred ruin of the disaster that is/was Trump.
Maureen Moss,Beecroft

Passed in 1791,the Second Amendment was less about “resistance against possible or inappropriate government” and more about protecting a fledgling nation (Letters June 24). After their war of independence,fears remained of possible future incursions from the British (or French,just over the border in Canada) not to mention local indigenous tribes not happy with their sudden dispossession. This is the background of right to bear arms which has little to do with the current mantra that everyone is allowed to carry a gun,so detrimental to American society today.Glenys Quirk,Forster

Aged care levy would be unfair tax on younger Australians

As a senior Australian and a homeowner like most of my cohort,I object to any tax levy to fund residential aged care that will be paid mainly by my children and grand-children (“Boomers should get the final bill”,June 14). Increased daily care and accommodation fees could,if necessary,be sourced through the federal government’s Home Equity Access Scheme,available to most senior Australians,effectively utilising their equity in their principal residence. Surely most fair-minded senior Australians would see this as preferable to slugging young taxpayers desperately trying to get a foot in the residential property market that has served most senior Australians so well.Gordon Bell,Kiama

While it is difficult to argue against Ross Gittins’ rationale for boomers to pay for the spiralling cost of aged care,there are many aspects for consideration. Foremost is the issue of providing dignity during the decline in health and ultimate passing,and one’s own capacity and facility to manage and control that process.

Historically,many aged care “facilities” have failed to provide anything like dignified last days,hence the growing desire for the elderly to be care for at home. With this desire,and generally longer life spans,is the question of how and when one’s life will come to an end. Self-determination is becoming a prominent thought among the aged in preference to a “natural causes” pathway.

In the short term,as defined by Gittins,any change to aged care will revolve around funding. More broadly,however,as a greater percentage of the population are destined to enter old age,we need to have a serious discussion about broadening end of life options.Ross Butler,Rodd Point

Illustration:Simon Letch

Illustration:Simon Letch

Any taxpayer subsidies for aged care should be contingent on a means test for the recipient,and this must include the family home. The property can be rented,sold or subject to a reverse mortgage to provide the funds for a comfortable retirement home. It is unreasonable for young taxpayers to subsidise aged care for those who retain a valuable property which they intend to leave to their beneficiaries. However,in the medium to distant future an increasing number of retirees,particularly women,may have few assets and taxation policies must be designed now to provide the required funding.Geoff Harding,Chatswood

Yes,many of us live in caravan parks,but many have done really well. However,we worked very hard. My husband worked two jobs,getting up at 4am and arriving home at 8pm for years. We didn’t buy so much as a T-shirt for years. We lived with in laws for years. Now you want to take our hard-earned money away. So what was it all for? We would have been better off having a great time instead of working,and then going on the pension. We have all tried to earn enough for a comfortable retirement that doesn’t drag on our economy. Silly us.Pamela Shepherd,Balgowlah

Seatbelts and crash compensation a must

In 1963,long before seat belts became compulsory,a friend of mine installed seat belts in his VW Beetle (“Road safety expert got a gong but his advice was ignored”,June 14). They were waist only,had a cumbersome three metal part fastening,but better than nothing. Before he and I went on a road trip,I borrowed his car and had lap/sash belts fitted,as he wouldn’t let me contribute equally to the trip costs.

On the return trip,Spencer was driving,with me in the passengers seat. He fell asleep,at 55 mph (88 km/h) went down a very steep incline and into a huge gum tree,pushing everything back to about the windscreen. The then non-collapsing steering column was pushed out of the steering wheel hub,took a small piece of his ear off as it pushed through the roof. If he had been wearing the waist only belt,it would have killed him. His ear was his only injury,with two strap bruises on his skinny body. I was asleep,slid forward on impact,was jackknifed by the waist strap and thrust my face into the steel door of the glove box. Only breaking my nose and damaging my eye muscles,I was off work for six months. I’ve been a strong advocate for correctly wearing seat belts ever since.Dave Williams,Port Macquarie

In response to the horrific wedding party bus accident,the premier has pledged $100,000 to support families impacted by this tragedy (“‘Heartbreaking’:Chris Minns pledges $100,000 to families of bus crash victims”,smh.com.au,June 14). Surely we are not the only ones questioning what is the threshold for such a payout. Our son was the innocent party in a truck accident 10 years ago and the accident has totally derailed his life,and after all these years he can only manage to work two days a week. At the age of 42,he is still dependent on us as his compensation was minuscule. Perhaps a better response from the premier would have been a pledge to overhaul the inept,inadequate and cruel Compulsory Third-Party Scheme.Rhonda Seymour,Castle Hill

Inflation blame

The latest Resolve Political Monitor shows that 44 per cent of respondents believes that the government has the greatest responsibility for inflation control,compared to the RBA’s 33 per cent (“Lowe blow:RBA boss hit in poll over rate rises,” June 14). The government obviously doesn’t share that view. It’s claiming that the latest budget is not adding to inflation (and pushing the blame for inflation on the RBA),whereas the figures show the public expects the government should be an active participant in bringing inflation down.Ian Shepherd,Elizabeth Bay

Now I understand economics:it’s trickle down when things are good,and trickle up when things are bad (“‘Narrow path’ cut off as rates hit jobs:NAB”,June 14).Rika Bolton,Annandale

Markets not equal

If today,the father of capitalism,Adam Smith,found himself in a long queue of prospective renters vying for a modest property at the mercy of rapacious landlords,he might reflect on the lack of morality in modern society and the all too visible machinations of self-interest at work (“Dudded by our lack of competition”,June 13). He might conclude that demand and supply and the inequality inherent in the division of labour had not produced an effective market outcome. As to solutions,he could join an equally long queue of contemporary economists.Tom Dolan,Narraweena

Power divides

Linda Burney should hardly be surprised the Liberal Party is using political tactics to oppose the Voice referendum,as the Voice itself is ultimately about power (“Voice opponents turn to ‘Trump-like’ politics:minister”,June 14). It was always going to divide,not unite,and it is not giving a gift,it is asking for something which many people find difficult to understand. It isn’t a conversation in backyards,people don’t want to talk about it precisely because it is so divisive,any more than they want to discuss any other political issue that might disturb their friends and acquaintances. Many people will just not vote,or vote informal,because they don’t understand it. It is hard to see it succeeding.Vivienne Parsons,Thornleigh

Less than one third of Australians understand the Voice. The solution is to first legislate for the Voice so everyone can see what it means. Then hold a referendum to enshrine it in the constitution and to recognise Indigenous people as Australia’s first inhabitants.Percy Allan,Balmain East

Massacres remembered

Just like Des Blake and the Myall Creek Massacre,I also have a four times great-grandfather connected with a massacre;in my case the Appin Massacre in 1816 (Letters,June 14). William Tyson,an Appin constable,received £5 for leading Captain Shaw and his troops to where an Aboriginal group were camped with all but two or three people succumbing to the attack. Each year I attend the memorial service which,along with the survivors’ descendants,is held at Campbelltown. I acknowledge my family’s part in the massacre and understand the generational effects of these traumas and will be voting Yes’ in the upcoming referendum.Anne Cutler,Cronulla

On the Myall Creek Massacre Memorial committee for 20 years,the significance of theHerald‘s in-depth apology eclipses all others in that time. It marks the path to walk as a nation. As you have reported,“the path to the future passes through the past”.

TheHerald’s apology is not for what “they” did,but “we” did. In denial,we stand as culpable as those who murdered back then,whether by cutless or pen. We are all guilty said Paul Keating in 1992:“We committed the murders,we took the children away … we failed to imagine what it would be like if these things were being done to us.” We did not listen then;perhaps we’ll listen now.

At the 2000 commemoration,Aunt Sue and the late Uncle Lyall,made aware of descendants of the perpetrators,embraced them. Imagine. The victim forgiving the perpetrator,a gift for us all to receive,the cost borne by them. Time,surely,to apologise. It has to be bipartisan. This year both major NSW party leaders sent messages though their ministers. We are made for greatness as nation. Only so can we reach it.Graeme Cordiner,Gladesville

Farewell to literature’s dark genius

Who can ever erase the terrifying image of the supernatural and super-evil protagonist,Judge Holden of Cormac McCarthy’sBlood Meridian (Cormac McCarthy,dark genius of American literature,dead at 89”,smh.com.au,June 14).George Fishman,Vaucluse

Government focus

With the euphoria of the honeymoon period fading the government must now keep focused on the main game and not be distracted by who will do the washing up or put out the garbage (“Voter support for Labor slips”,June 14). Communication and integrity remain key.Lynn Savage,Coogee

Toll trouble

I’m surprised the NSW Coalition wasn’t planning on putting a toll on suburban streets as well (“Coalition had a plan to toll all motorways”,June 14).Peter Miniutti,Ashbury

Environmental elephant

Everyone seems to forget the elephant in the room. Humans,over population and immigration do far more damage than any cat (Letters,June 11).Joy Reddy,Bundeena

Silvio Berlusconi,former Italian prime minister,has died aged 86.

Silvio Berlusconi,former Italian prime minister,has died aged 86.Marco Luzzani

Silvio’s fate

Silvio Berlusconi has,at last,gone to the big bunga-bunga party in the sky ... or,
more likely,that other place (“Berlusconi blazed trail for Trump in burlesque politics”,June 14).Paul Duncan,Leura

Unexpected benefit

She will be able to read her own death notice (“Woman knocks on coffin during her own wake”,June 14).Mustafa Erem,Terrigal

The digital view

Online comment from one of the stories that attracted the most reader feedback yesterday onsmh.com.au
RBA boss should lose job after interest rate hikes,but Australians expect more to come
Fromjonsuffolk:″⁣The impact of the Coalition years is what we are seeing in the interest rate rises and uncontrollable inflation rate. The ALP inherited these issues and Lowe is responding accordingly.″⁣

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