Woman laughed with Jack de Belin and Callan Sinclair after alleged rape,court told

A woman has told a court she played along and laughed with footballers Jack de Belin and Callan Sinclair after the men allegedly raped her,because she needed to feel safe and project an image that nothing was wrong.

Mr de Belin and Mr Sinclair are on trial in the NSW District Court on five counts each of aggravated sexual assault after they allegedly assaulted the 19-year-old at a unit in the early hours of December 9,2018,after meeting her at a nightclub.

Jack de Belin outside court on Friday.

Jack de Belin outside court on Friday.Dominic Lorrimer

Both have pleaded not guilty and maintain the encounter was consensual. It is the second trial they have faced,after the first trial was unable to conclude.

The woman told the court she got into a bike taxi with the men thinking they were going to another nightclub,but it took them to a unit which she believed Mr de Belin lived in. She said she initially told them she wanted to go home,but joined the men inside because she had to go to the bathroom.

The woman said Mr de Belin removed her clothes and the men took turns having sex with her while she cried. She said crying was the only thing she could do,because the men were larger than her and did not listen to her protests of “stop”.

On Friday,in evidence replayed to the court from the first trial,the woman was asked about her behaviour when the trio returned to central Wollongong in an Uber she ordered after the alleged assault. The woman said she was trying to get away from the men,which she did at the first opportunity.

Callan Sinclair arrives at court on Friday.

Callan Sinclair arrives at court on Friday.Dominic Lorrimer

Mr de Belin’s barrister David Campbell SC said the woman must have been feeling “horrible” at this point,and she agreed that she was.

Mr Campbell then played CCTV vision which appeared to show the woman smiling and laughing as two rugby league fans stopped to take photos with Mr de Belin,who plays for St George Illawarra in the NRL.

“I played along and laughed,just because I needed to feel safe within myself,” the woman said.

Mr Campbell suggested the woman was “happy to be there,and you were happy to be there with them,weren’t you?”

“No,” the woman responded.

Mr Campbell said if the woman had been “violated” in the way she says some 30 minutes earlier,“you would not be presenting in a picture like that,would you?”

The woman said she had suffered a traumatic experience and was protecting her own safety. She said what Mr de Belin and Mr Sinclair did to her was “horrific” and “two years down the track I still don’t get to sleep”.

“You’ve lied to us about what happened,haven’t you ... you’ve told us a tale,” Mr Campbell said.

“No,I have not lied,” the woman said. “I may not have recollected everything.”

Throughout her cross-examination,the woman repeatedly said “I do not remember,it was two years ago”. At one stage,she said it had been “quite a tough few days” of giving evidence and she was “very highly-strung and stressed”.

She said some things that happened on that night “terrified me”.

Mr Campbell suggested the woman “took steps to look your best” that night,including putting on makeup before she went out to the nightclub where she met Mr de Belin and Mr Sinclair.

The woman said she finished work at about 9pm and changed her clothes before going out,but was still wearing the same makeup she wore during her shift.

The trial continues.

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Georgina Mitchell is a court reporter for The Sydney Morning Herald.

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