Paul Keating’s strawman argument on India doesn’t hold up

Asia expert

Having accusedScott Morrison of turning Australia’s back on Asia and retreating to the Anglosphere in forming AUKUS,former prime minister Paul Keatinghas launched another broadside at the government’s collective efforts to mobilise democracies against a rising authoritarian China. This time the Quad security dialogue is in his sights. On the basis that a chain is only as strong as its weakest link,his main argument in denigrating the grouping is scepticism of India’s commitment if the going gets tough. As he puts it,“[t]he moment a loud shot was fired,the Indians would lock themselves in their peninsula … leav[ing] the United States and mugs like us carrying a military fight to the Chinese all by our righteous selves”.

Joe Biden,Scott Morrison,Narendra Modi and Yoshihide Suga meet at the Quad summit at the White House.

Joe Biden,Scott Morrison,Narendra Modi and Yoshihide Suga meet at the Quad summit at the White House.AP

India is the outlier within the Quad,whose other members are Japan,Australia and the United States. India is not an ally of the US,is a developing economy,and could be less able to absorb any Chinese economic punishment that could come its way. It has serious longstanding territorial disputes with Chinawith both sides suffering casualties for the first time when they clashed last year along their shared border. China has also become adept at creating other problems for India through Beijing’s military and economic support for Pakistan and the constant threat that China might encourage Pakistan to challenge the disputed Line of Control in Jammu&Kashmir.

New Delhi’s preference for strategic autonomy also runs deep,and as such it is unlikely that India will become a formal ally of the United States or any other country. For this reason,Keating is correct to argue that,in the event of war,Canberra cannot assume New Delhi will come to its aid.

Even so,downplaying the Quad ignores fundamental changes in New Delhi’s mindset. Indian threat perceptions of China have increased substantially because of the border crisis,and what it demonstrates about Beijing’s inclination towards territorial expansion by force – on land or at sea. Indian strategists have long feared the extension of the Chinese navy’s power projection capabilities into the Indian Ocean and are wary of growing Chinese political influence over India’s neighbours Bangladesh,Nepal,the Maldives and Sri Lanka. Correctly,New Delhi perceives all these as deliberate Chinese moves to advance the latter’s presence and encircle India. It is this growing sense of threat that has drawn it closer to the Quad and created the willingness to join with others to push back against Chinese expansionism and coercion.

New Delhi is proving it wants the Quad members to conduct joint military operations by allowing Australia to join the US and Japan in the Malabar naval exercise since 2020. It has strengthened defence cooperation with all three of its Quad partners – in bilateral and trilateral contexts - through the sharing of military logistics and maritime surveillance and intelligence information across the Indo-Pacific,as well as agreements to advance the joint development of defence capabilities. Beijing understands that even without a formal alliance,India’s embrace of the Quad complicates its ability to operate around the Straits of Malacca and the Indian Ocean in peacetime. That will help deter China from thinking about using military force in the first place.

Beyond martial matters,India is playing its part in countering Beijing’s ambitions to set the regional agenda,dominate the technologies of the future,promote its own authoritarian norms and values,and create a China-centric and dominated regional economy. Hence,India’s preparedness to manufacture 1.2 billion COVID-19 vaccines by the end of 2022 for regional distribution,collaborate on the creation of a clean-hydrogen value chain,develop alternatives to Chinese 5G networks,and contribute to supply chains that bypass China for critical components such as semi-conductors.

Keating sets up and takes down a strawman in dismissing India,and therefore the Quad,on the basis that India is not a formal ally and is unlikely to commit its blood to common cause. If that were the standard,one might as well dismiss the importance of Australia’s relationships with regional countries such as Indonesia.

The best indicator that India and the Quad matters is China’s constant denigration and demonisation of the grouping. Regional and global coalitions are forming against Chinese menace and overreach. The Quad has come a long way since it was reinstituted in December 2017,and it will go much further.

Dr Lavina Lee is a senior lecturer in international relations in theDepartment of Modern History,Politics and International Relations at Macquarie University.

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Lavina Lee is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Security Studies and Criminology at Macquarie University and a non-resident Senior Fellow at the US Studies Centre,Sydney.

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