Porter barrister denies breaching professional duties

A Sydney defamation barrister at the centre of a Federal Court battle to stop her acting for federal Liberal minister Christian Porter in his defamation case against the ABC has denied breaching her professional duties by acting for him after previously giving advice for free to a potential witness in the case.

In astatement filed in the Federal Court ahead of a three-day hearing starting on Monday,Sue Chrysanthou,SC,says she gave advice to Jo Dyer,a friend of the woman who accused Mr Porter of rape,on November 20 last year and on January 27 and 28.

The woman took her own life last year after advising NSW Police that she did not wish to pursue her complaint.

Sue Chrysanthou arrives at the NSW Supreme Court.

Sue Chrysanthou arrives at the NSW Supreme Court.David Gray

Mr Porter denies the allegation and is suing the ABC for suggesting he raped the woman in the late 1980s,when they were both teenagers,in an online story earlier this year referring to a rape allegation against an unnamed cabinet minister.

Ms Dyer has filed urgent proceedings to stop Ms Chrysanthou acting for Mr Porter on the basis that “the order is necessary to prevent prejudice to the proper administration of justice,and to preserve confidentiality and legal professional privilege”.

Ms Chrysanthou admits that she did not seek Ms Dyer’s consent to act for Porter but says she did not need to seek such consent,her lawyers Noel Hutley,SC,and Patrick George say in the document.

The high-profile defamation silk says she advised Ms Dyer as a favour to her friend,defamation barrister Matthew Richardson. She says she did not issue an invoice for the advice and did not agree to act in any proceedings for Ms Dyer.

She says she gave an undertaking on April 26 that she would not cross-examine Ms Dyer or the woman’s former boyfriend,Macquarie banker James Hooke,who attended a November 20 conference with Ms Dyer in Ms Chrysanthou’s chambers in Phillip Street,should they become witnesses in the defamation proceedings.

The statement says Ms Chrysanthou “is of the view that,by reason of the cab rank rule,she is prevented from returning the brief for[Mr] Porter”. The cab rank rule limits the circumstances in which a barrister can refuse to act for a client.

She “denies that any information disclosed by[Ms] Dyer to her on 20 November in conference (that she can recall) is relevant to the Porter proceedings”,the statement says,and “denies that there is a real and obvious possibility that any such information will be used by her for[Mr] Porter’s benefit in the Porter proceedings”.

Ms Chrysanthou denies “that there is any conflict” between her duty to Mr Porter and her interaction with Ms Dyer,and denies “she has in any way failed in her duties as a barrister”.

In a statement filed on Ms Dyer’s behalf,her lawyers - barristers Michael Hodge,QC,and Shipra Chordia,and law firm Marque Lawyers - say “Ms Chrysanthou indicated that she was initially prepared to act pro bono[for Ms Dyer] but if proceedings were commenced then the basis on which she and Mr Richardson were acting would need to be revisited”.

“By her conduct in advising and acting for Mr Porter to date ... Ms Chrysanthou has failed,and continues to fail,to avoid a conflict between her duty to Mr Porter and her duty to Ms Dyer,” the statement says.

Ms Dyer’s lawyers say she will be called by the ABC as a witness in the defamation proceedings.

Barrister Christopher Withers,SC,and solicitor Rebekah Giles,acting for Mr Porter, say in court documents that Mr Porter gave his informed consent “for[Ms] Chrysanthou to not inform him of any confidential matters that she learned by reason of her attendance at the 20 November 2020 conference and communications with representatives of[Ms] Dyer”.

The Australian has reported Ms Chrysanthou was advising Ms Dyer in relation to an article by a columnist at the masthead,Janet Albrechtsen. The article was published after Ms Dyer appeared in an ABCFour Corners broadcast late last year. The rape allegation was not aired as part of that program.

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Michaela Whitbourn is a legal affairs reporter at The Sydney Morning Herald.

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