'Adrian Schrinner,I'm coming for you':Condren's broadside at launch

Labor's new lord mayoral candidate Pat Condren had a simple message for the incumbent lord mayor at the launch of his campaign to win back Brisbane City Council from the LNP.

"Adrian Schrinner,I'm coming for you."

Labor's lord mayoral candidate Pat Condren (centre) with Labor councillors Kara Cook and Jared Cassidy after his campaign launch on Friday.

Labor's lord mayoral candidate Pat Condren (centre) with Labor councillors Kara Cook and Jared Cassidy after his campaign launch on Friday.Lucy Stone

About 200 Labor branch members,unionists and council candidates attended the launch at Carina Leagues Club on Friday morning,where Mr Condren described the"anger"that prompted him to enter politics after years as a state political reporter.

Shaking hands with red-t-shirt-bedecked supporters as he walked through the crowd to the stage,Mr Condren thanked his supporters for attending at short notice.

Senior Labor figures including Di Farmer,Jess Pugh,Terri Butler and former lord mayor Tim Quinn were all in attendance,signalling the seriousness of the ALP's fight for City Hall.

While there were no major policy announcements in his speech,the former state political reporter for Channel Seven slammed the LNP council administration as wasteful and self-interested.

"During[his career] I got to see up close and personal the good,the bad,and the ugly of Queensland politicians,"Mr Condren said.

"I can tell you without fear of contradiction that this unelected lord mayor Adrian Schrinner and his mob are the worst I have ever seen."

Mr Condren ran through the history of the ALP in Brisbane City Council,citing Clem Jones as a personal influence -"unashamedly for the suburbs,and for the workers,and so I am".

He slammed the LNP for cost blowouts to theKingsford Smith Drive upgrade,delays to Brisbane Metro,and spending $6 million purchasing a block of land in Holland Park Ward for koalas despite it having no bushland.

"Contrast that proud Labor record of achievement with the wicked,wicked,wicked waste we've seen under Adrian Schrinner and Krista Adams,"he said.

"Every day I got more and more angry as I saw another example of the waste and the self-serving spending that convinced me this council needs a complete and utter reboot."

In a statement,Cr Schrinner responded by saying Mr Condren's"inexperience and criticism is not how you build a better Brisbane".

"It takes more than glib TV lines to run the city and being a local news reporter does not qualify you to lead Australia’s biggest council,manage a $3.1 billion dollar budget and deliver multi-billion dollar projects,"the lord mayor said.

"Labor has no vision for the future of Brisbane and,in the Labor candidate’s own words,'no idea'about basic aspects of running our city.

"Labor’s candidate has never served a single day in council or any elected position."

Campbell Newman,whose election in 2004 started the current LNP occupancy of City Hall,had also not served in any elected position before he became lord mayor.

Red t-shirts filled a conference room at Carina Leagues club for Pat Condren's campaign launch for Brisbane City Council lord mayor.

Red t-shirts filled a conference room at Carina Leagues club for Pat Condren's campaign launch for Brisbane City Council lord mayor.Lucy Stone

In a press conference after his speech,Mr Condren said he was up against a"bloated LNP administration"and admitted Labor"had a mountain to climb"against the incumbent party.

Asked if the ALP's campaign had any room for dumped lord mayoral candidate Rod Harding,Mr Condren said he had texted Mr Harding over the weekend thanking him for his contribution and support.

He said he would be working with the Labor caucus to develop a set of policies for the March 2020 election - but projects such as the"bonkers"Mount Coot-tha Zipline,scrapped by the LNP earlier this year,would not be back on the table.

Mr Condren said the LNP'shastily-rolled-out attack ad against him earlier this week showed they were"running scared"and rattled by his appearance on the election scene.

"They're running scared and they'll be running scared for the next six months,because Adrian Schrinner - I'm coming for you,"he said.

Asked about attacks in the media from senior LNP politicians such as Deb Frecklington and Tim Mander,Mr Condren dismissed their words.

"I've gone toe-to-toe with Mander and Frecklington,they don't frighten me in any way,shape,or form."

So what does frighten Mr Condren?

"Spiders frighten me."

Lucy Stone is the former urban affairs reporter for the Brisbane Times,with a special interest in Brisbane City Council.

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