Call for better'cyber hygiene'amid pandemic shift to work-from-home

Everyone should be performing good hygiene at the moment,but experts are urging people suddenly working from home due to coronavirus to exercise good"cyber-hygiene"as well.

Millions of Australians have now found themselves quite suddenly working from home due to offices and other workplaces being shut down dur to social distancing requirements.

The major shift to working from home brought on by the global pandemic has opened up many individuals and businesses to cyber criminals

The major shift to working from home brought on by the global pandemic has opened up many individuals and businesses to cyber criminalsFairfax Media

Dr Leonie Simpson,a cyber security specialist with QUT’s School of Computer Science,said for many people,it would be the first time they had worked from home,and developing good online habits early was important.

"Cyber-hygiene is just doing a bunch of very basic things to minimise your risk while working online,"she said.

"For COVID-19 one of the basic things we do to minimise risk is to wash our hands carefully;it’s taking that principle and applying it to an online environment."

In particular,Dr Simpson said,many people would be more vulnerable than usual to phishing attempts,where hackers try to get passwords and other sensitive information by impersonating someone they trust such as a bank or even their own workplace.

The Cyber Hygiene Checklist

"Because we’ve moved to working from home very suddenly,a lot of workplaces might not have been quite ready for the shift,"she said.

"Suddenly staff are using technology they haven't seen before,and they're getting emails they haven’t seen before.

"They might get an email saying'quick open this attachment'and without thinking they might just open it."

The ACCC estimates phishing and other hacking cost Australian businesses more than $1.5 million in 2019,and over $50,000 in March 2020 alone.

Dr Simpson said she believed the risk of hacking had greatly gone up since the pandemic forced everyone into home offices.

Some underground hacking groups have actually made public pledges not to conduct cyber attacks on public hospitals or infrastructure during the pandemic,but experts are warning firstly that those pledges should be taken with a grain of salt,and secondly that that would only increase the risk of individuals being targeted.

Concerns around popular group video chat application Zoom have recently been raised,with the platform seeing massive growth,but also being exposed as having poor security for its conferences.

In some cases hackers can simply guess an access code for a Zoom conference and join the conference uninvited.

Dr Simpson said the Zoom example was a good showcase both of a company caught out by the sudden worldwide pivot to remote working,as well as a good lesson in cyber hygiene.

"The people behind Zoom are not malicious at all,but there are cyber criminals who are malicious,and they make use of any vulnerabilities in any system they can find,"she said.

"We should be really careful about using any platform that we’re not sure about for sensitive conversations,"

Ultimately,she said,it was about"taking five minutes,or even just 20 seconds",to do a quick check of what information was going where,and who was potentially listening in.

"Because everything is urgent these days,we’ve all got too much to do,and everyone needs a response as soon as possible,"she said.

"But if you stop and think,you can close the door to those opportunistic people who’ll sneak in if you let them."

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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