Here's why I haven't watched a Melbourne Cup since the 1980s

Here’s a thing. I haven’t watched a Melbourne Cup in decades.

It’s not political. It’s simply that I don’t work in an office and I haven’t for more than 30 years,so if I want to get my drink on I’ll just pull the top off a beer at my desk. Nobody’s gonna stop me.

Police are ramping up for protesters to disrupt the iconic event.

Some time back in the 1980s I missed a Cup.

Like every other mug,I’d been talked into imagining that it was some sort of civic duty to down tools and neck some froths on the first Tuesday in November,but that year I didn’t.

Again,it wasn’t political. I forget why I missed it.

But I do recall the weird feeling of being out on my own for having done so. It felt … good.

Awkward scenes at this year's Melbourne Cup parade.

Awkward scenes at this year's Melbourne Cup parade.Luis Ascui

Good enough that the next year,because I’m utterly perverse,I deliberately skipped the race.

And I so enjoyed the experience of skiving off out of what felt like a mandated imposition that I vowed never to watch another one again.

Not for politics,just because I’m a bit weird that way.

It’s the same thing with getting scanned by those bullshit wand-wavers at the airport security gate.

I love the challenge of slipping through every single time without being subject to that.

And,that,I will admit is political because a lot of airport security is not about security,it’s about theatre.

Where the hell am I going with this?

To the races,natch.

Because all of a sudden the Melbourne Cup is political.

Watching it,celebrating it,punting on it.

After the7.30 revelations of grotesque cruelty and straight-up torture of racehorses,there’s a few people,maybe more than a few,who feel a bit queasy about supporting an industry that in some respects doesn't appear to give a toss for the poor creatures it lives off.

Betting is down and there’s enough of a push to question,if not cancel,the legitimacy of the Cup thatThe Australian will surely decide there’s a quid to be made opening up a new front in the never-ending Kulturkrieg that now comprises its business model.

But before we all lose our minds,allow me to offer a solution.

My nearly lifelong self-imposed exile from the Cup and all its works affords me,I would humbly suggest,a certain distance and perspective on this matter.

The Melbourne Cup is not a famed and feted moment in the national calendar because 20 million-plus Vegemiters really care about a bunch of nags running around a paddock. (I’d place a modest bet that they might even care more about the decent treatment of those gallopers after they’re done running.)

The Melbourne Cup is a famed and feted moment in the national calendar because it marks the start of the summer drinking season.

From that first Tuesday in November until the last weekend in January,the Australian people get their drink on. That’s why they love the Cup. It’s a rolled-gold excuse to get shit-faced and stay that way for three months.

I suspect if they had an alternative to kick off the summer’s festivities they might just embrace it.

Luckily there is just such an alternative,sitting exactly adjacent to the Cup.


It starts a few days earlier,sure,but that’s a feature,not a fault. We have decided as a people that we do not care about its American origins,possibly because they’re actually Irish,just like us.

And as more and more kiddies embrace the sugar-amped madness of All Souls Day,and they grow into adults who can legally take their sugar in the form of alcohol,the festival of Halloween looms as a more than suitable alternative to commence our National Summer Binge.

I offer you this solution as one who literally has no horse in this race,and indeed has not for many years now.

John Birmingham is a columnist.

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