Labor pledges full safety screens for Brisbane bus drivers

Labor's lord mayoral candidate Pat Condren has announced all new Brisbane City Council buses would have full screen protection for drivers if he were elected.

Bus driver safety has been a contentious topic in recent months after a spate of attacks on drivers around the city.

Brisbane bus drivers would be given full safety screens under a Labor administration.

Brisbane bus drivers would be given full safety screens under a Labor administration.Chris Hyde/Fairfax Media

Deputy mayor Krista Adams has called on the state government to employ more senior network officers,who would have greater powers to remove passengers and provide security to drivers.

The choice of safety screens to protect bus drivers has also been a point of difference between the council and the Rail Tram and Bus Union.

Mr Condren said no one should feel unsafe at work and buses should be safe for operators.

“Bus drivers are the front line of customer service for Brisbane City Council,and council has
a duty to ensure their safety,"he said.

“Today marks the third anniversary ofthe tragic death of bus driver Manmeet Alisher[Sharma],but
sadly not enough has been done to ensure it can never happen again.

“I’ve listened to bus drivers and they want new buses to include extra security measures to
increase their safety."

Mr Condren said he believed"one assault is too many"and pledged that if he were elected,all new buses would have full screens,and new buses with the screens would be prioritised on bus routes deemed high-risk.

RTBU bus division secretary Tom Brown called on lord mayor Adrian Schrinner to match the promise.

"Just last month in so-called Safe September there was a record 74 serious incidents,including nine physical assaults – more than double the reported monthly average,"he said.

Speaking in a September council meeting,Cr Adams said it was unacceptable that so many assaults had occurred on bus drivers.

In the three months up to mid-September,council noted 153 verbal assaults on bus drivers and 11 physical assaults on bus drivers while at work.

The state government also announced anew ad campaign targeting assaults against bus drivers,which was welcomed by the Transport Workers Union.

Lucy Stone is the former urban affairs reporter for the Brisbane Times,with a special interest in Brisbane City Council.

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