Major study finds brain structure linked to suicide attempts

A large international study has found key structural differences in the brain are shared among thousands of people who have attempted suicide,giving a vital clue into a potential biological basis for the behaviour.

The group of 60 scientists,led by researchers from QIMR Berghofer in Brisbane,examined a huge data set of almost 19,000 people,including 694 people who had attempted suicide.

The major global study found three key regions of the brain were structurally different in people who had attempted suicide.

The major global study found three key regions of the brain were structurally different in people who had attempted suicide.Michele Mossop

The data also included 6448 people who were diagnosed with depression but had not attempted suicide,and 12,477 without depression as a control group.

Senior researcher Miguel Rentería said they found differences in the structures of three key areas of the brain in people who had attempted suicide which were not found in those who had not,even if they also had clinical depression.

Dr Rentería stressed that the findings were strictly correlative and not causative,meaning they did not know the exact relationship of the different structures to the eventual suicidal action.

But he said it was an intriguing finding which suggested something biological was occurring in the cases of those people in the study who had attempted suicide.

“A better understand of these mechanisms could in the future lead to the development of better prevention interventions[for suicide],” he said.

“The next step in this research will be looking at how brain structures relate to brain function.

“We don’t know if these changes are somehow induced or whether it is from medication or some other external factor.”

The most significant difference was the size of the thalamus,a small connecting part of the brain which relays sense and motor function information to the cerebral cortex.

The research found the left and right thalamic regions in the brains of people who had attempted suicide were smaller than in people in the other two groups.

It also found the right pallidum and lower surface area of the left inferior parietal lobe were smaller in the group who had carried out suicidal action.

An estimated 800,000 people die globally each year due to suicide,according to the Word Health organisation,while the number who attempt suicide is considered to be higher still.

In Australia,more than 3000 people every year die by suicide,according to the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare,and it was the leading cause of death of young people aged 15 to 19 in 2019.

Study senior co-author Lianne Schmaal from the University of Melbourne said suicidal behaviour was extremely complex,but studies like theirs gave scientists greater insight into the complex interplay of biological and social factors which could lead someone to try to take their own life.

“If we can expand research into the driving mechanisms of suicide,we can hopefully help reduce its personal and societal burden,” Professor Schmaal said.

Lead researcher Adrian Campos said the findings were significant because the study was the first large-scale global study to look at the issue of links between brain structure and suicidal action.

“Previous studies have had quite small sample sizes,but by examining the brains of almost 19,000 people from Europe,North America,Asia and Australia,we could provide strong statistical evidence of the role of brain structure in suicidal behaviour,” he said.

The research has been published in the journalBiological Psychiatry.

Anyone requiring help or support is encouraged to call 24-hour crisis support lineLifeline on 13 11 14.

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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