‘This goes way beyond HIV’:Innovative treatment attacks virus in the brain

A new HIV treatment,which can seek out and block the virus,has shown promise in mice after managing to cross a barrier designed to stop foreign molecules getting into the brain,where the virus usually hides.

And researchers are hopeful the same technique can be used to combat a range of brain diseases,including Alzheimer’s.

A scanning electron micrograph of multiple round bumps of the HIV-1 virus on a cell’s surface.

A scanning electron micrograph of multiple round bumps of the HIV-1 virus on a cell’s surface.AP

Researchers from the City of Hope research organisation and Griffith University’s Menzies Health Institute Queensland have designed special biological nanoparticles that can enter the brain and block HIV from replicating there.

Lead researcher Professor Kevin Morris said the nanoparticles delivered a specific protein that targeted the HIV virus directly,shutting off its ability to replicate.

“We made a protein that specifically recognises HIV;we then made a nanoparticle and put the protein in the nanoparticle,which delivers the protein to the brain,where it binds to the promoter of HIV and turns it off permanently,” Professor Morris said.

The human immunodeficiency virus,which causes Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS) has proved extremely difficult to combat because it targets the body’s immune cells directly.

Current treatments use antiretroviral therapy using multiple drugs at once to attack the virus at all stages of its life cycle.

Increasingly,treatments are starting to focus on the so-called “block and lock” therapy,which blocks the virus from targeting immune cells and then locks it in its dormant state.

The treatment developed by Professor Morris and his colleagues is in this latter category,and he said while they do not believe at this stage that the therapy would be a full cure for HIV infection,it could put the virus into a dormant state for a long time.

“What happens with HIV is you get infected with it and it waits until you get a different infection,like bacteria or the flu,and then it turns on and feeds on T-cells,which means you can’t fight the infection,” he said.

“Drugs turn the virus off but you have to keep taking the drugs. This is a therapy you could give and it would turn the virus off and that would be it.”

In Australia,29,045 people were living with HIV in 2019,according to the Australian Federation of AIDS Organisations.

The human brain has a blood-brain barrier that is designed to stop foreign molecules getting in,so most drugs can’t get past it.

In addition to its efficacy at targeting HIV,Professor Morris said he was very excited by the possibility that the technique could be used to treat other diseases that use the brain as the base of their operations.

“Delivery is the biggest problem in medicine,” he said. “It’s the elephant in the room that no one wants to talk about,and it’s been sort of a quest for me.

“These nanoparticles,because they’re derived from human cells,we just engineer the cells to put in our therapeutic RNA and they go into the brain,and that opens the door to treatments for Parkinson’s,Alzheimer’s,drug addiction. This goes way beyond HIV.”

The therapy has only been tested on mice at this stage,and Professor Morris said there was currently no funding to take it to human trials. However,he said he was confident this type of therapy would be used to treat multiple conditions in future.

“This is highly innovative – we’re re-engineering cells to deliver therapy to the brain and silence HIV. There are five different things that are all innovative put together,” he said.

“Hopefully now that we’ve shown it works,people will come forward to fund the next stages.”

The research has been published in the journalNature Communications.

Stuart Layt covers health,science and technology for the Brisbane Times.

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